List of Hiligaynon words starting with the letter B - Page 31



(Sp. bando) Notice, edict, public announcement; to announce, publish, make public or inform the public by means of a town-crier called bandoléro. Ginbandohán kamí sang bandoléro. We were informed by the town-crier.



(B) To stir, move, make an impression upon. Indì siá mabándog. He is not to be moved, one cannot move him or change his mind. Awát lang ang tanán nga mga láygay sa íya, kay índì ka makabándog sa íya. All admonitions given to him are in vain, for you cannot move him. (see ínkà, íngkà, lígid, língkang).



(Sp. bandolero-highwayman) Town-crier, a menial officer, who announces various orders and regulations by going from street to street and shouting out aloud what he has got to say.



(Sp. bandurria) Bandurria, bandore, a musical instrument somewhat like a lute.



Also: to foil, baffle, thwart, frustrate; to fail, be foiled, etc. Nabáng-aw (Nagkabáng aw, nagkalabáng-aw) ang (Nabang-awán silá sang) íla mga hándum. They failed to reach the object of their desires. Their hopes were disappointed.



To become stale, tasteless, insipid, to rot, spoil, go bad (applied especially to food), (see pán-os, bagéu).



Decomposition, putrefaction, rottenness: to decompose, putrify, rot, spoil, go bad so as to be unpalatable or unfit, said of food. Nagbáng-og ang kán-on. The rice spoiled. Nabáng-og ang íla punsyón, kay walâ magabút ang mga inágda. Their banquet got spoilt, because the invited guests did not put in an appearance. Nabang-ogán kamí sing isá ka búgsò nga kárne. One of our pieces of meat became putrid. Indì mo pagpabang-ogón ang ísdà. Don't allow the fish to go bad. (see bagéu, pán-os).



An earthen water-pot, water-jar, water-cooler.



An idiot, fool, simple, one that is very forgetful, absent-minded, easily cheated or imposed upon by others. (see kolôkolô, etc.).



To like, be pleased with, enjoy; to entertain, amuse. Nagakabangá silá sang sugilánon. They enjoy conversation. Ginbangahán níla ang pagtámbong sa ámon beláda. They enjoyed being present at our theatrical entertainment. Bangahá ang mga bisíta sang sugilánon túbtub nga malútò ang pagkáon. Entertain the visitors with conversation till dinner (food) is ready. (see wíli, lúyag, lípay, lingáw).



Cracked, full of fissures, (said of the soil).



To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. Nabangagán ang humáy sa talámnan, kay dúgay na nga walâ magulán. There are cracks in the ground under the rice in the field, because it has not rained for a long time. Patubigán mo dáyon ang talámnan, agúd nga índì magbángag. Keep the field constantly under water or water the field constantly, lest it should form cracks. (see litík, balanâ, hirás).



A handful; to take a handful, eat by handfuls. Ibangál ang kán-on. Eat the rice by handfuls. Bangalí (bangalá) ang bábà níya sing kán-on. Put a handful of rice into his mouth. (see hamál, dapál).



To ambush, lie secretly in wait for. Nagbángan siá sa ákon. He lay in wait for me. Nabangánan or binangánan siá. He was ambushed. Nakabatî siá nga may nagabángan sa íya; tungúd sinâ índì siá magpaúlì. He heard that somebody was lying in wait for him; therefore he would not go home. (see bánggà).



A kind of dish prepared in the form of vermicelli or spaghetti.



To widen by digging, to dig away earth, etc. Bangbangán mo ang lúblub, agúd magsángkad ang dálan. Widen the hollow or narrow passage by digging, in order that the road may become broader. Ginbangbangán níla ang búhò, kay makitíd. They widened the hole in the ground, for it was too narrow. Ibángbang iníng tagád sa pángpang sang subâ. Make use of this iron-pointed dibble to dig away the earth from the river-bank. Ipabángbang iníng búhò. Get this hole widened. Ang mga kaminéro nagabángbang sang bakólod sa higád sang dálan. The road-menders are digging away the side of the hill near the road. (see bákhay, káli).



Cause, reason, motive, pretext, ground, foundation. Madámù siá sing mga bángdan. He has many motives or pretexts. Ang sakít sa úlo amó ang íya bángdan nga índì siá makaóbra. His headache is the cause of his not being able to work. (bangúd).



To lie one above or across another in irregular fashion. To place one above or across another. Ibángday iníng halígi sa kawáyan. Lay this post on the bamboo. Bangdayá ang kawáyan kag ang halígi. Lay the bamboo and the post one upon the other. Ayóha ang pagbángday sang gatóng, agúd índì maglunga-óg ang tiníg-ang. Don't lay the fire anyhow, lest the rice should be badly cooked. (see tángday).



The part between the kitchen and house in Philippine houses, a passage on the level of the floors of two houses, making one large house of the two; a cross-road.



To ambush, lie in wait for. Banggaí siá. Ambush him. Ginbanggaán or binanggaán siá sang mga buyóng. He was waylaid or beset by robbers in hiding. (see bángan id.).

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