To rub, knead, massage. Ibángrus akó ánay sang ákon likód. Kindly rub my back. (see bánggos).
etc. See bángot, bangót.
A kind of bamboo without thorns.
On account of, by reason of, due to, because. Bangúd sinâ --. Therefore --. Bangúd sang íya katámad sa pagpangabúdlay napúto siá. On account of his being too lazy to work he became a bankrupt. Walâ akó makakarí sang simána nga tinalíkdan, bangúd nga nahilántan akó. I was unable to come here last week, because I had a cold or influenza. Bangúd sang madámol nga ulán índì kamí makapaúlì karón. Due to the heavy rain we cannot go home now. (see tungúd, kay).
Reason, motive, cause; used in the passive voice with the meaning: to place the responsibility upon, to put forward as a pretext or reason, to lay the blame upon and the like. May tungúd kag bangúd siá sa pagbúhat sinâ. He had the right and sufficient cause to do that. Ginabángdan níya akó, nga akó amó ang may salâ. He makes me responsible by saying that the fault was mine. Ginbángdan níya si Hosé sang pagkabúung sang pínggan. He laid the blame for the broken plate on José. Indì mo pagipabangúd sa ibán ang mga salâ nga ímo gid ginbúhat. Don't make others answer for the sins you have committed yourself. (see bángdan, kabangdánan).
To rise from the dead, to raise to life again. Si Hesukrísto nabánhaw sing mahimayáon. Jesus Christ rose glorious from the dead. Ginbánhaw sang Diós si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised by God from the dead. Pagabanhawón gid sang Diós ang tanán nga mga táo sa katapúsan sang kalibútan. God will certainly raise all men from the dead at the end of the world. Indì ka makapabánhaw sing karabáw nga patáy na. You cannot raise to life again a dead buffalo. Ang kaadláwan sang pagkabánhaw. The day of the Resurrection. Ang Domíngo sang Pagkabánhaw. Easter Sunday, the Sunday of the Resurrection.
To get loose or lose connection with, to fall or slip off; become separate from, as a thread from a needle, a rope from a pulley, and the like. Nabánhog ang hílo sa dágum. The thread slid from the needle. Dílì mo pagpabanhogón ang kalát sa mutón. Don't let the rope slip off the pulley. Nabanhogán ang síngsing sang písì. The cord slipped out of the ring. (see palús, pádlus-to slip out of the hand, etc.).
A kind of shrub whose strong-fibred bark is much employed in the making of ropes.
Swelling, friction, chafe; chafed, swollen, hard, stiff callous; to chafe, harden, be or become swollen, etc. (see pamánhul).
(B) To jam, press, squeeze or pin against something or between something. Nabani-ól ang ákon tiíl sang gamót sang káhoy. My foot got jammed in between the roots of the tree. Ginbani-ól níya ang ákon tiíl sa salúg. He pressed my foot firmly against the floor. Bani-olá ang báboy sa púsud sang kodál. Pin the pig into the corner of the fence. Ginbani-ól níya ang báboy sa díngding sang íya bagát. He pressed the pig against the partition-wall with his pole. (see ipít, lígpit, bánsok, aróod, oróod).
A mat for a bed, carpet for a floor, etc.; to carpet, use, place, or put down a mat or carpet. Magbaníg ka kon magtúlug ikáw. If you go to sleep, lie on a mat. Banigí ang salúg. Put a mat on the floor. Ibaníg lang iníng hábulsa kátre. Just use this blanket as a mat for the bed. Pagabanigón ko gid iníng mga dáhon sang burí. I am going to make a mat of these buri-palm leaves. Ibaníg akó ánay siníng kátre. Kindly put a mat for me on this bed. Ang isá ka dakû nga báhin sang dálan nabanigán. A great part of the road was covered with mats.
To be plentiful, abound, cover the ground, etc., as with a carpet. Ang katúl nagabaníg gid lang sa likód sang bátà. The skin-disease called "katúl" has spread all over the child's back.
Careless and negligent in the execution of orders, lazy, indolent; to be unmindful of orders, to be lazy or careless. Indì ka magbanihót kon sogóon. Don't be careless in carrying out an order, if you receive one. Don't be lazy, if you are ordered to do something. Banihót nga táo. A careless, lazy, negligent fellow. Nabanihotán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be very negligent. (see amád, támad, ágol, agohós, ligóy, tamarán, etc.).
(B) Splint, splinter, lath, split piece of wood, of bamboo, etc. See baníklan id.
(Sp. banca) A kind of boat, larger than a paráw, and without outriggers. Also: A game of cards; the keeper of the bank, banker (in gaming).
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