to accustom, to train, practise, break in. Banggará (-adá) ang ákon toréte nga karabáw sa paggúyud sang karósa. Train my young buffalo to draw the sled. Ibánggad akó ánay siníng kabáyo sa pagbútong sang kalésa. Kindly train for me this horse to pull the rig. Nabánggad na siá siníng pangabúdlay. He is now accustomed to, or practised in, this kind of work. (see ánad, nánas, gálit).
For banogán from banóg-to swell, etc.
To break or tear off a branch at its juncture with the main stem or tree. Ginbánggì sang mga bátà ang sangá nga iní. This branch was torn off by the children. Dílì nínyo pagbanggián sing sangá iníng káhoy, kay básì maglúmpaw. Don't break off whole branches from this tree; it might wither. Ibánggì akó ánay sináng sangá. Kindly break off that branch for me. (see sánggì id.).
The other-, opposite-, further-, side of something obstructing the view, as the further side of a screen, partition, house, mountain, lake, sea, etc. Sa bangî sang--. On the other side of (the house, mountain, etc., according to the context). Ang íya baláy ádto dídto sa bangî sináng bakólod. His home is there behind that hill. (see likód, pihák, tabók).
To do a thing with only one hand, do a thing one-handed, carry with one hand. Ginbangî lang níya ang maléta. He just carried the handbag with one hand (without changing over to the other). Dúmug kitá, bangî lang ang ákon. Let us wrestle, I to fight with only one arm. Bangiá siá. Fight him one-handed.
The fiddler-crab, a kind of crab remarkable for its unequal claws, one being much larger than the other, especially in the male.
Quarrelling, quarrel, wrangle, dispute, altercation, bickering, high words; to quarrel, etc. Nagabángig or nagabangígay silá. They are quarrelling. May gínbángig akó. I had a quarrel with someone. A, pabangíga lang silá. Well, just let them quarrel or fight it out amongst themselves. (see bánggit, súay, banggiánay, bagâ, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of bángig. To differ, disagree, have a slight difference.
A prop or wedge for the operation called "bángil".
To prop, support, put in, or under, something a prop or wedge of wood, stone, etc. in order to heighten, tighten or steady things. Bangíli ang tiíl (kahíg) sang lamésa, agád magtádlong. Prop up the foot of the table, that it may stand straight. Ibángil ko iníng káhoy sa lamésa. I'll prop up the table with this piece of wood, (in order to steady it, raise it on one side). Dílì mo pagbangílan ang aparadór sing isá ka bangíl nga madámol, ang isá ka manipís túman na. Don't put a thick wedge under the cupboard; a thin one is quite sufficient. (see písak, piíl-wedge).
To grin, show one's teeth. Indì ka magbangirít. Don't grin. Ginbangiritán (binangiritán) níya akó. He grinned at me. Pabangiritá siá. Make (let) him grin. A, pabangiritá lang dâ siá. Well, just let him stand grinning there. (see ngirít, lángsì, rángsì, balangisí, ngurîngúrì).
Fierceness, ruffianism, brutality, truculence, ferocity, cruelty, violence, inhumanity; to be or become ferocious, inhuman, ruthless, brutal, fierce, cruel, to act fiercely, etc. Nagbangís siá. He got fierce. Nabangisán akó sa íya. I consider him violent. He is too violent for me. Indì ka magbangís sa ákon or índì mo akó pagbangisán. Don't act the ruffian with me. Don't talk fiercely to me. Don't treat me so cruelly. (see barís, píntas).
Bulky, cumbersome: to be awkward to carry on account of size or shape, though light in weight. Nagbáng-kag ang pinutús, kay naghugák ang íya nga higót. The parcel became awkward to carry, because its string came loose.
A kind of tree and its timber of a yellowish colour.
A kind of open-work basket used for stowing away table-ware, clothes, etc.
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