Collar. See balióg. id.
Crystal gazing, crystal vision, divination by means of a magic mirror called ban-áwan; to practise crystal gazing, look (superstitiously) into the ban-áwan. Ang babáylan nagabán-aw sa íya nga ban-áwan. The wizard or sorcerer is-looking into his magic mirror,-practising crystal gazing. (see ban-áwan).
A magic mirror used for crystal gazing or crystal vision; a piece of mirror, crystal, glass, any reflecting substance into which the wizard looks in order to discover the thief, whereabouts of a lost article, etc. (see bán-aw).
(B) Opinion, guess, surmise, thought; to think, guess, opine, surmise. Ginabánà ko nga magaulán karón sa hápon. I guess it will rain this afternoon. Sa ákon bánà índì siá makatabók sa subâ, kay may bahâ. In my opinion he cannot cross the river, because it is in flood. (see bántà).
(B) To respect, revere, reverence, venerate, defer to, honour, show consideration or regard for. Banaá ang ímo mga ginikánan. Honour your parents. Ginabanâ níya iníng táo. He respects this man. Indì mo na akó ikabanâ. You have no consideration or respect for me any more. Tungúd sa anó man nga walâ na ikáw pagbanâ sa ákon? Why do you no longer show any consideration for me? (see bálhot, táhud, tahâ, panagubáli).
Husband, a married man, whose wife is alive; to take a husband, to join a man in wedlock. Sín-o man ang banáhon mo? Whom then are you going to marry? Ayáw pagbanáha ang isá ka laláki nga walâ sing pagtóo. Beware of marrying a man without faith. Kon magbána ka, pilíon mo ang isá ka laláki nga maáyo sing pamatásan. If you marry, choose a man of good behaviour. Indì ka magpabána sang ímo anák sa isá ka laláki nga matámad. Don't give your daughter in marriage to a lazy fellow. (see pamána, pangasáwa, asáwa-wife).
Dim. and Freq. of bánà. Guinabanâbánà ko nga --. I rather think that --. Sa ákon banâbánà --. In my opinion --. Indì ka magbanâbánà sináng mga butáng, kon índì ka kahibaló. Don't express an opinion on such things, unless you know or are sure.
Daybreak, morning-light, aurora; to dawn, to get light. Walâ na kinahánglan sing sugâ, kay may banáag na or nagabanáag na. There is no need any longer to burn a lamp, for daylight is appearing. (see banágbánag, sanáaw).
A beautiful flowering tree.
A small shell-fish.
See banáag, aliwánag. Nagabanágbánag na-or-may banág-bánag na. Day is now breaking. The morning light is glimmering.
A kind of lobster, crayfish, crawfish; a vine. Its roots are boiled, and the resulting concoction is taken as a remedy against stomach-ache, skin diseases, etc.
To lift up and fling down, to take or raise up and throw to the ground, to take hold of and hurl to the floor. Ibanál mo siá sa kalóg. Take hold of him and fling him into the ditch. Sa dakû nga kaákig ginbanál níya si Fuláno sa salúg. In great exasperation he seized N.N. and threw him to the floor. Iníng búhò amó ang ginbanalán (binanalán) níya sa kay Fuláno. This is the hole into which he flung N.N. (see pilák, habóy, tulúd, tíklod).
A trail, path, foot-path, track; to be worn into a trail or path. May bánas dirâ? Is there a trail or foot-path? Iníng lugár nagbánas sa daláyon nga ági sang táo. This place has been worn into a track by the constant passing of men. (see baginás).
A kind of shrub with small rose-coloured flowers.
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