To drag oneself along without using the feet, crawl, creep, said of animals like snakes, snails, slugs, etc. Magígod ka lang sa salúg, kon índì ka makalakát. Push yourself along the floor if you cannot walk.
To drag oneself along without using the feet, crawl, creep, said of animals like snakes, snails, slugs, etc. Magígod ka lang sa salúg, kon índì ka makalakát. Push yourself along the floor if you cannot walk.
To groan, moan. Nagaígong siá. He is moaning. Ginigóngan akó níya. He moaned in my presence, or at me. Iígong mo lang, agúd maghagánhágan ang ímo pagbátyag. Just groan softly, to relieve your feelings.
To groan, moan. Nagaígong siá. He is moaning. Ginigóngan akó níya. He moaned in my presence, or at me. Iígong mo lang, agúd maghagánhágan ang ímo pagbátyag. Just groan softly, to relieve your feelings.
To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.
To creak, emit a grating sound as by friction or the like. Ang kángga nagaígot, kay walâ sing síbo. The cart creaks because it is not greased. Ginpaígot níya ang galingán sang kapé. He made the coffee mill creak. Huy, sapatéro, índì mo pagpaigóton ang ákon mga sapátos. Now, shoemaker, don't make my boots creaky. Don't make me boots that creak.
To jam, press, squeeze, etc. See ipít, lígpit.
To jam, press, squeeze, etc. See ipít, lígpit.
Grievance, reason for complaint, censure, finding fault with. Walâ gid akó sing igsáwà sang pagtátap níla sa ákon. I have no reason to complain of their treatment.
Grievance, reason for complaint, censure, finding fault with. Walâ gid akó sing igsáwà sang pagtátap níla sa ákon. I have no reason to complain of their treatment.
To stand in the relationship of Godchild to the Godparent's own child. Igsóon silá-or-nagaigsóon silá. One is son, the other godson.
To stand in the relationship of Godchild to the Godparent's own child. Igsóon silá-or-nagaigsóon silá. One is son, the other godson.
That is used for writing, as a pen, pencil, etc. (sulát).
That is used for writing, as a pen, pencil, etc. (sulát).
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