(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).
(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).
(H) Dim. and Freq. of idóg. Idógidóg ka, kay gutúk. Stand back a little, for there is no room.
(H) Dim. and Freq. of idóg. Idógidóg ka, kay gutúk. Stand back a little, for there is no room.
(B) Passive form of íro-to stand, tolerate, suffer, etc. Indì akó maídwan sang ibán, kay may balatían akó nga manlaláton. Others don't like to come near me, for I am suffering from a contagious disease. (iróhan id.).
(B) Passive form of íro-to stand, tolerate, suffer, etc. Indì akó maídwan sang ibán, kay may balatían akó nga manlaláton. Others don't like to come near me, for I am suffering from a contagious disease. (iróhan id.).
A kind of palm. See hídyok.
A kind of palm. See hídyok.
See i-. "I-" and "ig-" can often be used promiscuously, e.g. ighámbal, ihámbal; igsilíng, isilíng; igdápat, idápat; igbátok, ibátok; etc. But words beginning with the letter "k" have nearly always "ig-" instead of "i-", e.g. igkasubô, igkasákit, igkahuyâ, igkúdlit, etc.
See i-. "I-" and "ig-" can often be used promiscuously, e.g. ighámbal, ihámbal; igsilíng, isilíng; igdápat, idápat; igbátok, ibátok; etc. But words beginning with the letter "k" have nearly always "ig-" instead of "i-", e.g. igkasubô, igkasákit, igkahuyâ, igkúdlit, etc.
See "i-". For euphony's sake "íga-" is more used in phrases like: Ari akó, kon may igasógò (isógò). I am at your service. I am here. Command me, I am at your orders. Walâ akó sing igahátag sa íya. I have nothing to give him. May igahámbal (ihámbal) ako sa íya. I have to tell him something. I have to bespeak him about something.
See "i-". For euphony's sake "íga-" is more used in phrases like: Ari akó, kon may igasógò (isógò). I am at your service. I am here. Command me, I am at your orders. Walâ akó sing igahátag sa íya. I have nothing to give him. May igahámbal (ihámbal) ako sa íya. I have to tell him something. I have to bespeak him about something.
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