Under, below, beneath, underneath, farther down, down, nether. Sa idálum sang baláy. Underneath the house. Sa idálum sang dútà. Below the surface of the ground. Dálhi akó sang rebísta nga árà sa idálum sináng mga tulún-an. Bring me the review there from under those books. (see dálum, paidálum, paidalúm, pakitidalúm).
Under, below, beneath, underneath, farther down, down, nether. Sa idálum sang baláy. Underneath the house. Sa idálum sang dútà. Below the surface of the ground. Dálhi akó sang rebísta nga árà sa idálum sináng mga tulún-an. Bring me the review there from under those books. (see dálum, paidálum, paidalúm, pakitidalúm).
Row, line, file, range, rank, tier; to line up, stand in file, form a regular line or row. Idas-or-magídas kamó. Stand in line. Idáson mo silá. Put them in line. Paidáson mo silá. Make them form a line. Idásan mo iníng dútà sang ímo arádo sing makapúlò, kay támnan ko sing kamóti. Make ten straight furrows in this piece of ground, for I am going to plant some sweet-potatoes there.
Row, line, file, range, rank, tier; to line up, stand in file, form a regular line or row. Idas-or-magídas kamó. Stand in line. Idáson mo silá. Put them in line. Paidáson mo silá. Make them form a line. Idásan mo iníng dútà sang ímo arádo sing makapúlò, kay támnan ko sing kamóti. Make ten straight furrows in this piece of ground, for I am going to plant some sweet-potatoes there.
Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon pakibyasán mo sing salsálon magaídlab. A hard stone, if struck a glancing blow with iron, will emit sparks. Paidlabá ang ímo santíkan, agúd makódtan sang kaláyo ang bárok. Strike a spark from your flint, that the tinder may take fire. (see ídlak, ígpat, sídlak, sílak).
Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon pakibyasán mo sing salsálon magaídlab. A hard stone, if struck a glancing blow with iron, will emit sparks. Paidlabá ang ímo santíkan, agúd makódtan sang kaláyo ang bárok. Strike a spark from your flint, that the tinder may take fire. (see ídlak, ígpat, sídlak, sílak).
To twinkle, spark, glitter, flash. Ang diamánte nagaídlak kon gáb-i. The diamond sparkles in the dark. (see ídlab, etc.).
To twinkle, spark, glitter, flash. Ang diamánte nagaídlak kon gáb-i. The diamond sparkles in the dark. (see ídlab, etc.).
Dim. and Freq. of ídlak. Ang mga kabitoónan nagaidlákídlak. The stars are twinkling. (see igpátígpat).
Dim. and Freq. of ídlak. Ang mga kabitoónan nagaidlákídlak. The stars are twinkling. (see igpátígpat).
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