A small amount of liquid excrement: to evacuate or discharge an "igít". Ang bátà nagigít sa íya delárgo, kay nagapanlibáng siá. The boy soiled his pants a little, for he is suffering from diarrhoea.
A small amount of liquid excrement: to evacuate or discharge an "igít". Ang bátà nagigít sa íya delárgo, kay nagapanlibáng siá. The boy soiled his pants a little, for he is suffering from diarrhoea.
(H) Anything used for making lines, scratches, strokes, etc. as a pencil or the like. (see kúdlit).
(H) Anything used for making lines, scratches, strokes, etc. as a pencil or the like. (see kúdlit).
See alígmat-to watch, keep vigil.
See alígmat-to watch, keep vigil.
To move (with a start, or by starts). See ígnuk.
To move (with a start, or by starts). See ígnuk.
Meet, fit, just, proper, suitable, adapted, right; to fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate; to hit, strike, score, make a hit. Igò gid inâ. That's just the thing. Paigóon mo gid sing maáyo ang mga tápì. Adjust the boards very well. Ang íya mga batásan nagakaígò gid. His manners are just right-or-His behaviour is excellent. Paigói ang ímo baláy sing digamohán. Make a suitable kitchen for your house. Pagaigóon ko gid siá. I shall certainly hit him. Makaígo ka sináng píspis dirâ sa sangá sang káhoy? Can you hit that bird there on the branch of the tree? Madámù ang naígò sang mga lisó sang lúthang. Many were hit by rifle-bullets. Iigò sa íya iníng bató. Hit him with this stone. Walâ níya akó pagigóa. He did not hit me. (see síbò, ángay, sinántò).
Meet, fit, just, proper, suitable, adapted, right; to fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate; to hit, strike, score, make a hit. Igò gid inâ. That's just the thing. Paigóon mo gid sing maáyo ang mga tápì. Adjust the boards very well. Ang íya mga batásan nagakaígò gid. His manners are just right-or-His behaviour is excellent. Paigói ang ímo baláy sing digamohán. Make a suitable kitchen for your house. Pagaigóon ko gid siá. I shall certainly hit him. Makaígo ka sináng píspis dirâ sa sangá sang káhoy? Can you hit that bird there on the branch of the tree? Madámù ang naígò sang mga lisó sang lúthang. Many were hit by rifle-bullets. Iigò sa íya iníng bató. Hit him with this stone. Walâ níya akó pagigóa. He did not hit me. (see síbò, ángay, sinántò).
A kind of shell-less snail, a slug.
A kind of shell-less snail, a slug.
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