Expenditure, outlay, cost. (see gásto).
Things requiring expenditure; expenditure. (see kagastóhan).
The shears of a lobster, shrimp or the like; to bite, snap, nip, grip, seize with the teeth or with the equivalent of teeth; to catch hold (of inanimate things). Ang mga idô nagakadtánay (for nagakagatánay). The dogs are biting each other. Ang lánsang nagakagát na. The nail has now a firm grip or hold. Ginkagát (kinagát) ang bátà sang báboy. The child was bitten by the pig. Ang ginkádtan (kinádtan) sang idô naghubág. The place bitten by the dog swelled up.
Microbe, germ, bacillus, bacterium.
Habits, custom, manner of acting or behaving, behaviour, moral character. (see gáwì, ginawî, batásan, kabatasánan, kabuyó, kinaanáran, kostúmbre).
A kind of vine. "Balágon pa ang kágay"-"The kágay is still a vine" i.e. it will never develop into a tree: hence this saying is used to express impossibility.
A kind of small clam.
See kagayón. Also: Things that are beautiful or attractive.
Grief, sorrow, mourning, sadness, desolation, anguish, pain; to grieve, etc. Nagakághà siá. She is grieving. Ginakaghaán níya ang kamatáyon sang íya ilóy. He is mourning the death of his mother. Indì ka magpakághà sa ímo mga ginikánan. Don't sadden your parents. Indì mo pagsóndon ang mga batásan nga maláut nga igkakághà sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't imitate bad conduct that will grieve your parents. Sa dakû nga kághà kag kasubô --. In great grief and sorrow --. (see subô, lisúd, sákit).
A skin-disease similar to "arikís".
(H) Pertaining to or affected with the skin-disease "kagídkid".
Wet and sticky dirt; stickiness. (gím-ang).
To arrange, order, etc. See kaláging.
To be, make or become dry, hard through heat, etc. Nagkagíng ang tinápay sa ínit sang ádlaw. The bread has become very dry (hard) through the heat of the sun. Indì mo pagpakagingón ang maís kon bóg-on mo. Don't allow the corn to become too hard when you roast it. Kagingá ang pagbóog sang kárne, ísdà, maís, etc. Roast the meat, fish, corn, etc., till it becomes quite dry. Kinagingán kamí níla sing maís nga binóog. They made some very crisp roast corn for us.
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