Anything that supports life, or that gives relief. Ang swéldo siníng maéstro amó ang kaginhawáan sang íya nga ginikánan. This teacher's salary goes to support his parent. (see ginháwa).
Life, breath, breathing, full liberty to act and enjoy life, independence. (see ginháwa).
Gentlemen, masters, lords, Sirs, Messrs. (see ginóo).
A kind of tree. The juice of its leaves is used as a remedy for decaying teeth.
Peacefulness, tranquillity, quiet, repose, calmness; joy, pleasure. Walâ sing kagirihim-után ang kalibútan, kon daláyon gid lang magtalibóbò ang ulán. There is no pleasure in life (in the world), when it always rains. Walâ sing kagirihim-után ang íya guyá, panumdúman, etc. He looks worried, his mind is troubled, etc. (see buót, hamúot).
See kagirihim-után.
To penetrate, enter, pierce, affect deeply, touch. Nagakágit inâ sa ákon tagiposóon. That touches me deeply-or-That pierces my heart. Kinagítan ang íya kasíngkásing sináng mga sinúgid. He was touched to the quick by these reports. (see látum, túduk, panalúgsug, panalúpsup).
Dishevelled, rumpled, tousled, in a tangle; to be dishevelled, etc. Nagakágkag ang íya nga bohók. His hair is rumpled. Indì mo pagkagkagón (or pagpakagkagón) ang íya nga bohók. Don't tousle his hair. (see búkag, bukágkag, bungáyngay, burungáyngay).
To ask, request the hand of the bride on behalf of the bridegroom, to woo for, procure a wife for a prospective husband, make a match, be a matchmaker or go-between. Ang tiglalakí nagakágon sa tigbabaé. The father of the man is arranging the marriage with the father of the woman. Kagáb-i ginkagónan si Mariá sang amáy ni Pédro. Last night Peter's father asked for the hand of Maria (on behalf of Peter). Ikágon mo akó ánay sa kay Fulána. Kindly speak for me to N.N. and ask her to become my wife.
To scrape, scratch, scoop out with a sharp instrument. Kagóta iní. Scrape this. Kagóti ang kapáyas sing líso. Scoop the pips out of the papaw. (see kódkod).
See kádtan, kádton. (All verbal forms of kagát-to bite).
Commotion, war, revolution, alarming condition, confusion, exciting state (of affairs). Salín sang kagúbut. Revolutionary veteran. War-veteran. (see gúbut).
To shell, scoop or scrape out. Kagurá (kagudá) ang lubí, ang kapayás, etc. Shell the coconut, scoop out the inside or the seeds of the papaw, etc. (see kágot).
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