To dig. Kalíha (kálya) ang dútà. Dig up the ground. Kalíhi (kályi) ang halígi. Dig up the ground around the post. Ikáli akó ánay sing kamóti. Please dig up for me some sweet potatoes.
Discordance, dissonance, flatness (of sounds, voices, music, etc.). (libágon).
Occupation, task, business, work, preoccupation preventing one from attending to something else. May kalibángan pa akó. I have still some work to do-or-I am still occupied or busy. (see libáng).
(B) The youngest (a younger) brother or sister; the last or youngest child of a family. Si Pédro amó ang íya anák nga kalibáynan. Peter is her youngest child. (see libáyon, kamanghóran, mánghud).
Confusion, dizziness, perplexity, giddiness, vertigo. (libúg).
See kalibúg. Also: Mixture as between Visayans and Negritos, Visayans and Europeans, etc.; Mestizo, half-breed, hybrid. Ang mga bumulúthò nga tumándok nagpakigáway sa mga bumulúthò nga katsílà kag kalibugán. The native students fought against the Spanish and half-caste students.
World, earth, visible creation, universe; the world as opposed to moral and spiritual forces; reason, intelligence. Walâ na siá sing kalibútan. He is unconscious. (Literally: "There is no world for him"). Walâ siá sing kalibútan. He knows nothing. May kalibútan pa siá. He is still conscious. Ang lángit kag ang kalibútan. Heaven and earth. Dirí sa ibábaw siníng kalibútan--. Here on the face of the earth--. Ang kalibútan kag ang íya sinâ nga kadayáwan umalági man lang. The world and its vanities are but passing. (líbut).
How is it possible to know, etc. See pamál-i, panghimál-i.
Worldly, earthly, materialistic, sensuous, sensual. Ang mga táo nga kalibutánon. The worldly minded. Kalípay nga kalibutánon. Worldly or sensual pleasures.
See kalíg-on. Also: Security, bond, bail, anything that makes for stability or freedom from danger and apprehension.
Modesty, propriety, correctness of conduct, self-respect. (lígdong; see kaúgdang).
Laziness, indolence, idleness, sloth, inaction. (ligóy).
Swiftness, speediness, celerity, rapidity, fleetness, nimbleness, agility, quickness of movement. (lígsi; see kalíksi).
Anything used for cleaning out liquid waste matter from narrow tubes or holes, as from the ear, the nose, a wound, etc. (see kilikóg).
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