Ripeness, fulness (of grains, nuts, etc.). (see lángking).
A strong fishy taste or smell (said of fish in a raw as well as in a cooked state). (lángsa).
A bad, vapid, insipid nauseating taste, disagreeable flavour, particularly applied to raw or half-raw or green peas and beans. (see lángto).
That is to be pitied or regretted. (see kanógon).
Hardness, fulness, ripeness; to be full and ripe, applied especially to kadiós-beans. Nagaamátamát na ang kadiós sang kalánsan. The kadiós-beans are beginning to get full and hard. Nagkalánsan na ang kadiós. The kadiós beans have become full and ripe. (See kadiós).
Perfection, quality of the highest worth, excellence, first class, supreme, things of the highest standard. (lántip; see kahimpitán).
To fill with water, mortify, get infected or purulent through the action of water, said of wounds, etc. Kinalantubíg ang ákon pilás. My wound mortified (through contact with water).
Associate, companion, cooperator, collaborator; at the side of, near-by, adjacent. (see tupád).
Breadth, width, extensiveness, wideness, extent. (lápad).
See kalápad.
(H) See kalápad.
Omission, neglect, negligence, failure to comply with orders, duties, etc. (see lápas).
To caulk (a boat, ship); to knead, mix; to besmear, plaster. Kalapatíhon mo ang lúnang kag iháplas sa kólon, agúd índì magtúlò. Knead the mud and plaster the rice-kettle with it, that it may not leak.
Tendril of a vine, etc.; to encircle, wind around, cling to, entwine. Ang búyò nagakalápkap sa búgsok. The "búyò" is winding itself around the post. Iníng mga bató ginakalapkapán sang kadenadeamór. These stones are entwined with the vine called "cadena de amor". Pakalapkapá ang kalubáy sa palápála. Make the "calubay" cling to the trellis or lattice work. (see kápkap, kabúd).
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