Illegitimate, adulterine, spurious, bastard, offspring of adultery.
Illegitimate, adulterine, spurious, bastard, offspring of adultery.
To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.
To cook fish, meat, etc. in very little water mixed with vinegar and various spices. The concoction (inon-onán) is usually served with little or no sauce. On-oní ang ísdà. Cook the fish in the ón-on way. Isdà nga inon-onán. A dish of highly seasoned fish.
To fondle, caress, play with, give cheer to, cause to laugh. Ondôondoá ang bátà. Play with the baby. Make the baby laugh. (see dálò, ókol, yonggôyónggò).
To fondle, caress, play with, give cheer to, cause to laugh. Ondôondoá ang bátà. Play with the baby. Make the baby laugh. (see dálò, ókol, yonggôyónggò).
To sip, drink, swill, guzzle, absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather narrow-necked vessel, as from a pasók, salúd, bottle, etc.). Ong-ongá lang ang tubâ sa pasók, kay walâ kitá sing sukî. Just drink the toddy direct from the bamboo-tube, as we have no cup.
To sip, drink, swill, guzzle, absorb, imbibe (from an oblong, rather narrow-necked vessel, as from a pasók, salúd, bottle, etc.). Ong-ongá lang ang tubâ sa pasók, kay walâ kitá sing sukî. Just drink the toddy direct from the bamboo-tube, as we have no cup.
Hare-lipped, having a hare-lip. See sungî.
Hare-lipped, having a hare-lip. See sungî.
Deaf. See bungúl.
Deaf. See bungúl.
To burn, burn down; to empty the holes in the súngka-game.
To burn, burn down; to empty the holes in the súngka-game.
(Sp. honras) Obsequies, last honours; to ring the bells for a funeral, ring the (passing) bell, toll the bell. (see úndras).
(Sp. honras) Obsequies, last honours; to ring the bells for a funeral, ring the (passing) bell, toll the bell. (see úndras).
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