Pride, haughtiness, overbearing, insolence; to be proud, haughty, insolent, lofty, arrogant, to take on airs, give oneself airs, be high and mighty, behave oneself in a haughty manner, be supercilious. Indì ka magpalabílábi. Don't be proud. Don't think too much of yourself. Nagpalabílábi siá sa ákon. Ginpalabílabíhan níya akó. He was supercilious to me. He was patronizing me,-condescending to me. He treated me as an inferior. Ang íya pagpadayáw kag pagpalabílábi nakadáldal sa íya sa olíhi sa madámù nga kalakasán nga makahuhúyà. Her vanity and pride led her finally to many shameful excesses. (see labí).
Proud, haughty, insolent, supercilious, overbearing, arrogant, stuck-up, lofty, overweening, conceited, presumptuous. (see bugalón, matinaastaáson).
To prefer, esteem more, to hold in greater favour, favour, fancy, choose rather, think more of, rather-have,-do, put before, value more highly. Palabíha ang paghigúgma sa Diós sang sa ímo ginikánan. Love God more than your parents. Ginpalábi níya ang páhò sa dúlse. He preferred the mango to the sweetmeat. (pa, labí).
To cross one's legs, rest one leg across the knee of the other. (see palambídlámbid id.).
To chop, mince, make mince-meat, put through a sausage machine. Unúd nga pinalábtog. Mince-meat, minced meat. (see lábtog).
(H) A place or farm for stock-breeding, raising cattle, etc. Palabuarán-manók, palabuarán-háyup, palabuarán-báboy, etc. A farm for breeding poultry, cattle, pigs, etc. (see búad).
(H) What is to-, should-, can-, be propagated, generated, procreated, bred, hatched, multiplied (as fish, poultry, domestic animals, etc.). (see palabuarán).
(H) Fruit-bearing, bearing fruit. (see búnga, palamúnga, palabungáhon).
(H) Made to bear fruit, for fruit-bearing. Káhoy, nga palabungáhon. A fruit tree. (see búnga).
(H) What is to-, should-, can-, be generated, begotten, produced, hatched (from eggs), etc. (see botó, palabuarón).
A kind of cactus that is often used for making quickset hedges.
Dim. of pálad-the palm of the hand; fate, luck. Also: the prickly-pear cactus.
One who has to-, is to-, can-, should-, be beaten or overcome (in a fight, in an election, etc.); beatable, conquerable, surmountable. (see daúg).
To shake, flutter, flap, blow away, carry off, waft away, sway to and fro (said of the wind, etc.). Ang hángin nagapaládpad sang mga hinaláy nga panápton. Ginapaládpad sang hángin ang mga hinaláy nga panápton. The wind is fluttering the clothes hung out to dry on the line. Napaládpad sang hángin ang íya kálò. His hat was blown off by the wind. (see pálad, lápad, pálid).
That is to be continued or preserved for a long time; durable, lasting, keeping well (without alteration). (see dúgay).
Flustered, flurried, distracted; to be flustered, flurried, distracted with many cares, bewildered, preoccupied, put out, upset, to have one's head turned with a multiplicity of affairs to be attended to. Nagpalág akó tungúd sang madámù nga mga bisíta. Napalág akó, kay madámù ang mga bisíta. I am quite bewildered with so many visitors-to attend to,-to look after. (see lingín, libúg).
Dim. and Freq. of palág-to be distracted, etc.
Caus. of lagás-to run after, pursue, etc. Ginpalagás níya ang báboy sa idô. He ordered the pig to be hunted off by the dog. Palágsa (palagasá) ang idô sang báboy. Make the dog chase the pig. Send the dog in pursuit of the pig. Palágsi (Palagasí) si Fuláno sing kabáyo, básì maábut pa siá sa dálan. Send someone on horseback after N.N., perhaps he may still be overtaken on the road.
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