Search result(s) - buhâ



Maker, creator, manufacturer, artificer. (búhat).



A suffix of verbs that have a passive in-on. This suffix occurs in the following tenses:

1.) The passive impersonal imperative. Buháta iní. Do this. (búhat, buháton). Higugmaá kag tahúra (-úda) ang ímo ginikánan. Love and respect your parents, (higúgma, higugmaón; táhud, tahúron, tahúdon).

2.) The passive negative past. Walâ níya pagbuháta iní. He did not do this. Walâ ni la pagtumána ang íla katungdánan. They have not fulfilled their duties, (túman, tumánon).

3.) The passive negative present. Sa karón walâ na níya pagaúmha iníng bánglid. He now no longer tills this slope, (umá, úmhon). Tungúd sang kadamuón sang íla mga páhò, walâ na níla pagaisípa, kóndì ginosokób na lang sa pasungán. Owing to the great quantity of their mangoes they no longer count them, but measure them by the bushel. (ísip, isípon). Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagapatindogá ang halígi? Why are you not setting up the post? (pa, tíndog, tindogón).



(Sp. a ver) Let us see. Let us have a try. Hóo, abír, kon makabúhat ka sinâ. Yes, let us see, whether you can do that. (see tan-awón, ta, ipakítà, mo, tilawán, ta, etc.).



To rise early, be early at work, to do early in the morning, anticipate. Agapí ang pagarádo. Be early at the ploughing. Rise early in the morning for the ploughing. Agapá ang pagbúhat sinâ. Do it early in the morning. Gina-*agapán nila ang pagpangítà sing mga tulún-an, bisán madúgay pa ang pagbukás sang mga buluthúan. They are already looking for books, though the opening of the schools is still a long while off. (see pamúka).



The first person singular of the personal pronoun: I. Sín-o ikáw?-Akó?-Hóo.-Akó amó si Fuláno. Who are you?-I?-Yes-I am N.N. Akó amó ang nagbúhat siní. I did it, I was the one who did it. Akó sing ákon or akóy ákon walâ sing lábut sinâ. I, for my part or as far as I am concerned, have nothing to do with that. Akó amó ang amó sa gihápon. I am He who is ever the same, "I am who am", (Sum qui sum).



To be able to, to be capable of, to have the power or ability; to undertake, to assume the responsibility for. Ginaakóan ko ang pagbúhat sinâ. I undertake to do that or I am ready to accept the responsibility for that. Ginaákò or ginaakóan ko iníng sayúp. I accept all the blame or responsibility for this fault. Indì siá makaákò sa pagpatigáyon sinâ. He is not capable of accomplishing that. (see kaákò, makaákò, gahúm, saráng, agám, ágap).



My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon-me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into me. Ang ákon kálò. My hat. Akon iní nga baláy. This house is mine, -belongs to me. Yanâ nga umá ákon gid. That field is my own, -belongs to me alone. Dílì ákon iní nga tulún-an. This book is not mine or does not belong to me. Akon ginhímò iní. This was done by me, I did it. Akon siá pagaluasón. Through me he will get free, I will free him. Walâ siá paghigúgma sa ákon. He has no love for me, does not love me at all. Kon sa ákon lang walâ akó sing kabilinggan. As far as I am concerned I have nothing against it. Nagapalapít siá sa ákon. He is coming towards me, is approaching me. Sa dak-ú nga katístis ginhímò níya iní sa ákon. He did this to me very maliciously. Kútub sang paghalín níya dirí sa ákon túbtub nián walâ ko siá makítà. Since he went away from me until now I have not seen him. Sa ákon bántà índì na siá magbálik sa ákon. In my opinion he will not return to me any more. Kon kís-a dumángat sa ákon ang masubô nga panghunâhúna--. Now and then sad reflections come upon me--. (see nákon, ko, ímo, nímo, mo, íya, níya, ámon, námon, áton, náton, ta, ínyo, nínyo, íla, níla).

N.B. The difference between the use of "ákon" and "nákon, ko" is as follows:

1) in the meaning of a possessive pronoun "ákon" is put before and "nákon, ko" are put after the word they respectively qualify, e.g. Ang ákon idô. Ang idô nákon (ko). My dog. Ang ákon amáy tigúlang na. Ang amay nákon (ko) tigúlang na. My father is now old.

2) in the meaning of a predicative adjective "ákon" is always used and never "nákon" or "ko". Akon iní nga pínggan or Iní nga pínggan ákon. This plate is mine, belongs to me. Dilì ákon iní nga páhò or Iní nga páhò dílì ákon. This mango is not mine, does not belong to me.

3) in the meaning of a personal pronoun with the preposition "s", "ákon" is used exclusively and never "nákon" or "ko" e.g. Ginhátag níya inâ sa ákon. He gave that to me. Nagsúmbag siá sa ákon. He hit (boxed) me.

4) in the meaning of "by me, through me" as a personal agent "ákon" always stands before the verb and can only be used, if the verb is not negatived. Akon ginbúhat iní. This was done by me. Sa waláy duhádúha ákon siá pagaduáwon. Of course, he will be visited by me i.e. I will pay him a visit. Dílì balá matúod nga ákon siá nabayáran? Isn't it true, that he was paid by me i.e. that I paid him? "Nákon" and "ko", if employed in such sentences, take their place invariably after the verb: Ginbúhat ko (nákon) iní. Sa ualáy duhádúha pagaduáwon ko (nákon) siá. Dílì balá matúod nga nabayáran ko (nákon) siá?

But if the verb is negatived "ákon" cannot be used; "nákon" or "ko" must then be employed and be placed between the negative adverb and the verb: Walâ ko (nákon) pagbuháta iní. This was not done by me. Dílì ko (nákon) malipatán iní. I cannot forget it. Indì ko (nákon) malíngkang iníng bató, kay mabúg-at gid. I cannot move this stone, for it is very heavy. Indì pa nákon (índì ko pa) mapúy-an ang bág-o ko nga baláy, kay walâ ko pa (ualâ pa nákon) pagbutangí sing mga galamitón nga kinahánglan. I cannot live in my new house yet, because I have not yet put in the necessary furniture. Walâ ko (nákon) siá pagagdahá kag índì man nákon (índì ko man) siá pagagdahón, kay maláin siá sing pamatásan. I neither invited him nor will I invite him, because he has vicious habits.

5) in sentences where the verb is preceded by a quasi-auxiliary or by adverbs of time or place like "saráng, buót, diín, dirí, dirâ, sán-o pa, etc." "nákon" or "ko" should be used before the verb, even if the latter is not negatived, e.g. Saráng ko mabúhat iní. I can do it. Buót ko ímnon iníng bino. I wish or like to drink this wine. Sán-o ko pa (sán-o pa nákon) mapatíndog ang bág-o nga baláy? When shall I be able to build the new house? Diín ko (nákon) makítà ang kwárta? Where can I find the money?

The foregoing examples and rules are applicable to all personal and possessive pronouns, "ímo, íya, ámon, áton, ínyo, íla" following "ákon" and "nímo, mo, níya, námon, náton, ta, nínyo, níla" following "nákon, ko".



(Sp. acto) An act. Isá ka ákto sang pagtóo. An act of faith. (see búhat, bubuháton, buluhatón).



(H) Roasting-spit. Buháti akó sing alasálan. Make me a roasting-spit. (see asál, asálan, arásal, arasálan).



To be struck speechless, to become speechless and breathless from a sudden shock, to yell or scream in sudden fear, anger or pain and lose speech and breath immediately afterwards for a short time, or even die on the spot without recovering either; to be affected with a choking fit. Ang bátà nagaalimúnaw. The child has a choking fit. Dî mo pagpaalimunáwon ang bátà. Don't give the child a choking fit. Dî mo pagbuháton inâ, kay básì magaalimúnaw siá. Don't do that, for he may get a choking fit. (see himúnaw, id. and the more common form in use).



Fragrance, etc. See amión.

-an, A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place where". Note: This meaning is very clear in place-names, e.g. Batoán-the place where there are stones, from bató-stone; Balásan-the place where there is sand, from balás-sand; Tigbáwan-the place where there is tígbaw-reed, from tígbaw-reed, etc.

NOUNS: I) Likóan-a turning, a lane, from likô-to turn aside; Tuburán-a spring, source, from tubúd-to trickle; Lapakán-a treadle, from lápak-to tread, etc.

2) The suffix-an in conjunction with the prefix ka-goes to form abstract and collective nouns, e.g. Kasugtánan-agreement, from sugút-to agree; Kakahóyan-forest, trees, from káhoy-tree, wood; Kabatáan-children, from bátà-child, baby; Kataóhan-men, mankind, from táo-man; Kabulúyhan-habit, custom, from buyó-to accustom, etc.

ADJECTIVES: Isganán-brave, powerful, from ísug-to be or become brave; Manggáran-rich, wealthy, from mánggad-wealth, property; Gamhánan-mighty, powerful, from gahúm-might, power; Pahóan-one who possesses many mango-trees, from páhò-a mango-tree, etc.

VERBS:-an goes to form what is called "the passive in-an", and denotes:

1) the place where an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ang alipokpokán siníng bakólod pagapatindogán ko sang bág-o ko nga baláy. I will build my new house on the top of this hill. (patíndog-to erect, build). Amó iní ang lugár nga linúbngan níla sa kay Fuláno. This is the place where they buried (the body of) N.N. (lubúng-to bury).

2) the person for whose benefit, or to whose detriment, an action (expressed by the root) is performed, e.g. Ginbuhátan níya akó sing asálan. He made a roasting spit for me. (búhat-to make). Indì mo siá paghimóan sing maláin. Don't harm him. (hímò-to do, with maláin-to do harm).

3) an impression, affection, sensation, mental state, or the like, e.g. Natahumán akó sinâ. That impressed me with its beauty. That appeared to me quite nice, (tahúm-to be or become nice, beautiful). Nalas-ayán akó sa íya. I am disgusted with him. He is abominable to me. (lás-ay-to be or become insipid). Nagin-otán akó. I feel it sultry. (gínot-to be or become sultry). Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This dress (jacket)-looks black to me,-is too black for me. (itúm-to be or become black), etc.

N.B. It should be borne in mind that the context alone can determine the exact meaning of-an. "Naadlawán akó"-to quote only one example-means: "Full daylight was (came) upon me". But in connection with what may precede or follow this phrase can be translated in various ways, e.g. "I stayed till (late in the) morning". "I continued to do something without interruption till the sun stood high in the heavens". "I arrived in bright daylight (and came-too late,-too soon,-in time)". "I passed part of the day, or a full day", etc. Hence the translations given in this dictionary are not exclusive of other versions.



(H) Roasting-spit, roasting-jack. Buháti akó sing asálan. Make me a roasting-jack. (see alasálan, arásal, arasálan id. From asál).



Sourness, bitterness, sharpness, tartness, acidity; to be or become sour, to sour, make sour. Nagáslum ang bíno. The wine has gone sour. Iníng búnga walâ gid sing áslum. This fruit has no tartness at all. Aslumí ang manók, ápang dílì mo pagaslumón. Mix something sour with the chicken, but do not make it quite sharp. Pagapaaslumón ko gid iníng diótay nga tubâ, kay buháton ko nga lebadúra. I will let this little palm-wine get sour, for I am going to make yeast of it. Iníng isá ka kutsára nga lánggaw iáslum ko sa ísdà. I will season the fish with this spoonful of vinegar.



The letter "B" in Visayan has the same sound as in English. Being a labial it has a natural affinity with "M" and if the prefix pan-is joined to any word beginning with a "b", that "b" is changed into "m", e.g. búhat becomes pamúhat instead of panbúhat; búnak becomes pamúnak and the verbal noun and adjective formed from the latter is mamumunák; báwì-pamáwì-mamamáwì, etc. Very frequently the prefixes ha- and hi- produce the same change, e.g. bilí-hamilí; búlbul-himúlbul, etc.



To treat or punish someone, as if he were an ox. Kon magbúhat ka sinâ, bakábakáhon ka ni tátay. If you do that you will be soundly thrashed by Father. (see tarítári, búnal, etc.).



To bespeak, speak to, warn, forewarn, inform beforehand of a secret plan, a hidden scheme and the like. Ginbalasánan níya silá nga--. He told them beforehand that--. Balasáni siá sinâ. Warn him of that. Give him a hint of that or inform him of it beforehand. Binalasánan níla ang pagháwid kag pagbukás sang íya nga mga sulát. They agreed or conspired to retain and open his correspondence. Ibalásan mo akó sa íya siníng áton ginkasugtánan. Kindly inform him of this our agreement. Ipahibaló mo sa íya iní, agúd mabalasánan siá sang tanán nga takús níya buháton. Report this to him, that he may know what he should do or that he may be aware of everything and can make his arrangements accordingly.



Careless, desultory, botched, bungled, not well done or made, scamped. Balasúbas ang pagbúhat sang pánday sang ákon lamésa. The joiner botched my table. (see bástos, manól, balotanóg).



Reason, motive, cause; used in the passive voice with the meaning: to place the responsibility upon, to put forward as a pretext or reason, to lay the blame upon and the like. May tungúd kag bangúd siá sa pagbúhat sinâ. He had the right and sufficient cause to do that. Ginabángdan níya akó, nga akó amó ang may salâ. He makes me responsible by saying that the fault was mine. Ginbángdan níya si Hosé sang pagkabúung sang pínggan. He laid the blame for the broken plate on José. Indì mo pagipabangúd sa ibán ang mga salâ nga ímo gid ginbúhat. Don't make others answer for the sins you have committed yourself. (see bángdan, kabangdánan).



Coarse, rough, not fine, not well made or done. Barághal nga pagrára, paghabúl, pagsapíyo, pagtahî, etc. Rough or coarse wickerwork, weaving, planing, sewing, etc. Also used as a verb. Ginbarághal mo ang pagbúhat siníng lamésa. You made a rough job of this table. (see barúbal, bástos, bá-ul, patarásak, burághal, etc.).



To deliberate, think things over, consider. Ginabasó-báso ko kon anó ang himóon ko. I am considering what to do. Basó-basóha ánay ang ímo bubuháton. Deliberate first on your undertaking. (see hunâ-húnà, painóíno).

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