For ilísan from ílis.
For ilísan from ílis.
To step back, retire, withdraw, give way, make room, retreat, forsake, yield. Nagísol siá. He gave way, stepped back, withdrew. Natalawán silá kag nagilísol. Their courage forsook them and they retreated. Isóla siá. Put him back. Paisóla siá. Make him give way. Order him to stand back. Isóli akó. Isóli siá. Step back towards me. Retire towards him. Ginpaísol níla ang kodál. They moved the fence back. (see idóg, isdóg).
To step back, retire, withdraw, give way, make room, retreat, forsake, yield. Nagísol siá. He gave way, stepped back, withdrew. Natalawán silá kag nagilísol. Their courage forsook them and they retreated. Isóla siá. Put him back. Paisóla siá. Make him give way. Order him to stand back. Isóli akó. Isóli siá. Step back towards me. Retire towards him. Ginpaísol níla ang kodál. They moved the fence back. (see idóg, isdóg).
To know. See másrot. Kon may naisrotán lang akó--. If I only had some knowledge or education--. (see másngà).
To know. See másrot. Kon may naisrotán lang akó--. If I only had some knowledge or education--. (see másngà).
To decline or refuse, but only apparently. See indî-índì, birôbírò, bisyóbísyo, birgîbírgì, kudískúdis, ánsyas).
To decline or refuse, but only apparently. See indî-índì, birôbírò, bisyóbísyo, birgîbírgì, kudískúdis, ánsyas).
Bravery, valour, courage, nerve, grit, hardihood, fortitude, prowess, boldness, daring, intrepidity, doughtiness, fierceness, violence; to be brave, courageous, doughty, plucky, manly, firm, strict, valiant, fierce, unyielding. Nagísug siá sa pagbátok sa íya. He was brave enough to resist him. Akó lang ang naísgan mo, kay akó man lang daúg mo sa dúmug. You dared to fight me, because I am the only one you can vanquish in wrestling. Isúgi siá. Brave him. Dare him. Stand up to him. Ginpaísug níya ang idô sa paglagás sang talunón. He trained the dog to be brave in pursuing wild pigs. Paisúga siá sa pakigáway. Urge him on to fight. Stir him up for a fight. (see bákud, tútum, pág-on).
Bravery, valour, courage, nerve, grit, hardihood, fortitude, prowess, boldness, daring, intrepidity, doughtiness, fierceness, violence; to be brave, courageous, doughty, plucky, manly, firm, strict, valiant, fierce, unyielding. Nagísug siá sa pagbátok sa íya. He was brave enough to resist him. Akó lang ang naísgan mo, kay akó man lang daúg mo sa dúmug. You dared to fight me, because I am the only one you can vanquish in wrestling. Isúgi siá. Brave him. Dare him. Stand up to him. Ginpaísug níya ang idô sa paglagás sang talunón. He trained the dog to be brave in pursuing wild pigs. Paisúga siá sa pakigáway. Urge him on to fight. Stir him up for a fight. (see bákud, tútum, pág-on).
A kind of small bird.
A kind of small bird.
(H) Writing materials; pen, pencil, chalk, etc. Isulúlat-tuburán. A fountain pen. (see sulát).
(H) Writing materials; pen, pencil, chalk, etc. Isulúlat-tuburán. A fountain pen. (see sulát).
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