(B) Crust. Ang kán-on may itíp sa kólon. The rice left a crust in the kettle-or-has stuck to the bottom of the kettle. Also: A kind of skin-disease producing patches of calluses. (see dokót).
(B) Crust. Ang kán-on may itíp sa kólon. The rice left a crust in the kettle-or-has stuck to the bottom of the kettle. Also: A kind of skin-disease producing patches of calluses. (see dokót).
Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.
Egg; testicle; to lay eggs. Nagítlog kaína iníng mungâ. This hen laid an egg a short while ago. Nagapangítlog na ang damulága nga manók. The young hen is now laying (eggs). Naitlogán ang ákon alóla sang isá ka mungâ nga dílì ákon. My chicken-basket had an egg laid in it by a hen that does not belong to me.
(B) To tickle, titillate. Itóka siá. Tickle him. Itóki siá sa íya nga ílok. Tickle him under the arm. (see ítik).
(B) To tickle, titillate. Itóka siá. Tickle him. Itóki siá sa íya nga ílok. Tickle him under the arm. (see ítik).
(B) Dim. and Freq. of ítok. Also: to flatter, wheedle, cajole, coax, persuade.
(B) Dim. and Freq. of ítok. Also: to flatter, wheedle, cajole, coax, persuade.
See iyót.
See iyót.
Blackness, darkness; black, sable, dark; to be or become black. Nagitúm ang íya guyá. His face has turned black. Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This jacket is too dark (or black) for me. Itumá ang sapín ko nga mapulá. Blacken my red boots.
Blackness, darkness; black, sable, dark; to be or become black. Nagitúm ang íya guyá. His face has turned black. Ginaitumán akó siníng báyò. This jacket is too dark (or black) for me. Itumá ang sapín ko nga mapulá. Blacken my red boots.
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