To get loose, shake, lack firmness, wobble. Nagakútal ang ákon ngípon-or-kutál ang ákon ngípon. My tooth is loose. (see hútal).
Dim. and Freq. of kútal. (see hutálhútal).
Dim. and Freq. of kútam.
Almost exclusively used in the freq. form "pangutána"-to ask, inquire, solicit information. Mangutána ka sa íya. Ask him for information. Anó ang ginapangutána mo? What is it you wish to know? What are you inquiring about? Pangutánhi-or-pangután-i siá. Interrogate, question or interpellate him. Pangutánha-or-pangután-a siá. Ask him. Inquire of him. (see pakiána, pamángkot, pángkot).
To mix a dry powdered substance with a liquid, as flour, sugar, cement, starch, sand, etc. with water or the like. Kutáwa ang almidón. Soak the starch. Mix the starch with water. Kutáwi akó sing arína sa pásta. Mix for me some flour with water for paste. Ikútaw akó siníng tayóbong. Please, dissolve (mix) this tayóbong in (with) water.
Dim. and Freq. of kútaw-to mix with water, dilute. Indì nínyo pagkutáwkutáwon iníng talapuánan sing mga táo nga dílì hamílì kag matárung ang íla katuyoán. Don't allow into this society any men who have no honest or upright intention.
(B) Cat, puss, pussy, kitten, mouser. Kutî nga tigúlang. Grimalkin, old cat. Kutî nga kapón. Gib-cat. Kutî nga laláki. Tom-cat. Kutî nga babáye. Tabby cat. (see kuríng).
Bustle, hustle; to bustle, hustle, be active (in performing the duties of a household). Dáyon gid lang may ginakúti siá sa baláy. She is always bustling about something in the house.
Bustling, hustling, busybody, meddlesome, curious, inquisitive. (kúti).
To disturb, stir up, excite, interfere with. Ayáw kutibawá ang putyúkan kon índì ka buút kutúton. Don't disturb the bees, if you don't like to be stung. (see labúgay, súdyot, pasilabút, pakitarakáng).
Anything bearing some resemblance to a cat; a tip-cat (a toy and game played by children); the young tender fruit of the koló-tree and the young jack-fruit, so called from having some resemblance to a cat.
Dim. and Freq. of kúti. Anó ang ginakutíkutí mo? What are you so busy about? What are you doing?
A disease that attacks dogs and pigs; mange, scurvy.
Affected with "kutím", mangy, scabby. Ang may kutím ginatawág nga kutimón. One infected with the mange is called mangy.
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