Common; privy. See komún.
To knead, compress, squeeze, crumple within the hand. Kumúsa ang almidón, linúgaw, hípon, etc. Compress or knead within the hand the starch, rice-porridge, hipon-fish, etc. (see kúmkum).
(Sp. cuna) Cradle. (see abóy-abóy, batóng, duyándúyan).
(B) Limping, halting; to limp, halt, walk with a limp, walk haltingly. Nagakunád siá. He is limping. Kunád siá. He has a halt in his gait.
To go or be slow, require much patience or labour. See kánat id.
A kind of savoury banana. (see túndal, karintóndan, térna).
After some time, later on, in the future. Ang mga kabatáan karón amó ang mga manugdumála sang bánwa kunína. The children of the present will be the leaders of to-morrow-or-of the future.
Syllable; to speak brokenly, spell syllable by syllable.
Dim. and Freq. of kúnlà. Also: to stutter, stammer, speak brokenly, or falteringly. (see hát-on).
Descent, coming down; to descend, come down, particularly used in connection with spirits descending from above. Nagkúnsad ang Diós nga Espíritu Sánto sa mga Apóstoles. The Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles. Ang kúnsad (pagkúnsad) sang Diós nga Espíritu Sánto. The descent of the Holy Ghost.
See kunsarán.
(H) Foundation, base; foot of a mountain, foot-hills. Sa kunsarán sang búkid. At the foot of the mountain. (see kúnsad).
(H) A particle implying a possibility, hope, wish or desire for the future and regret for the past: Would, should, maybe, perhaps, peradventure, likely; it would be, it were, would to God that, let us hope; it would have been, might have been, etc. Maáyo kúntà kon-. It were well if--. Maumpawán pa man siá kúntà. He may recover yet; let us hope that he will recover. Maáyo kúntà kon amó inâ, ápang--. Dápat kúntà nga amó inâ, ápang--Would to God it were so, but--. Ay, matahúm gid kúntà kon ímo nabúhat inâ sádto ánay, ápang ánhon mo karón, kay walâ mo pagbuháta? Oh, it would have been so nice if you had done that in the past, but what can you do now, as you have not done it then? Malúyag akó kúntà magtámbong dídto. I would like to be present there. (see kuntánì, úntà, untánì, ráad, dáad).
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