See kámias.
(H) See kámlò. (kamlotá, kamlotí-kamloá, kamloí).
(B) To fight hand to hand, to grapple. Kamóga siá. Grapple him. Anó ang ginkamógan nínyo? What are you fighting about?
(B) To grasp, clutch, clench, grapple with, as in wrestling, etc. Nagakamogoláy silá. They are grappling with each other. Kamagóla siá. Grapple with him. Ginkamógol níya akó. He held me in a clench. Siá gid lang nga isá ang nagakamógol sang íya trabáho. He grapples with his work quite alone. (see kámog, gahús, gakám).
You among yourselves.
Botched, bungled, not well done or made, badly wrought; to botch, bungle, do something badly or carelessly. Dílì nínyo pagkamôkamoón ang ínyo trabáho. Don't perform your work carelessly.
To encircle or span around with thumb and middle-finger. Indì siá makakamól sang ákon liwatán. He cannot span my wrist with his thumb and middle-finger. Tilawí kag kamolón ang ákon bútkon kon makasaráng ikáw. Try to encircle my arm with your thumb and middle-finger, if you can. Also: A handful, as much as one can grasp with thumb and middle-finger. Hatági akó sing isá ka kamól nga humáy. Give me a handful of rice. Metaphorically: Walâ gid sing nakadimól, kay gínúrut lang níya sang kamól. Nobody had any benefit of it, because he grasped (or took) everything for himself. (see gamól).
Dim. and Freq. of kamól. Also: to settle amicably, come to terms, make an agreement. (see kapánkápan, tapáltápal).
(Sp. camote) Sweet potato.
A plant with edible roots.
See kamotikáhoy.
The legs of a crab, spider, shrimp, etc. Nakuháan siá sing kamóy. He was deprived of his legs (i.e. he lost his support).
(Sp. campanario) Belfry, bell-tower. (see lingganáyan).
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