(B) Coconut meat used for rubbing the hair with. The coconut meat is usually chewed first and then applied by hand to the hair. (see pamánhop).
Dinner; to dine, have (take) dinner. Nakapaniága na ikáw? Have you had your dinner? Maniága (Magpaniága) kamó ánay. First have your dinner. Papaniagáhi silá. Prepare dinner for them. Get dinner ready for them. Papaniagáha silá. Let them take their dinner. Give them time or a chance to take their dinner. (see panyága, ígmà).
Freq. of tíb-ong-to raise, lift, etc.
Freq. of síbà-to devour, gulp down, gobble up, swallow, tear to pieces and eat up.
To balance oneself with difficulty, be scarcely able to keep one's balance or equilibrium; to be on the point of-committing oneself,-telling some news,-betraying a secret,-letting "the cat out of the bag". Nagapanibítibí ang íya mga bibíg sa paghámbal. He can scarcely detain himself from telling the news. He is simply bursting to tell the news. (see tibí).
Freq. of sibít. To use a needle or pin; to wear a pin, brooch, badge or any similar ornament fastened by a pin; to vaccinate; to remove a thorn or prickle by means of a pin or needle or anything resembling a needle. Magpanibít ka sang mga tunúk. (Síbta ang mga tunúk). Remove the thorns by means of a needle. Madámù ang mga kabatáan nga pinaníbtan (ginpaníbtan) sang manogbúlung. Many children were vaccinated by the doctor. Ipanibít níya ang íya sibít nga may batóngmaídlak sa pándut sang bánwa. At the town-feast she will wear her brooch set with precious stones.
Freq. of tíbong-to carry on the shoulder, etc.
To be involved, complicated, intricate, requiring much patience or fatigue. Freq. of síbud.
Good breeding, civility, politeness, docility, will, intention, willingness, readiness, discretion, prudence, tact, circumspection, discernment, address. (see buút, panimúot, panagibúut).
Leaf, sheet, board (as of paper, cloth, wood, etc.).
To take up leaf by leaf, count every leaf or sheet. Panid-panirá (-idá) ang mga papéles, tabákò, etc. Count the papers, the tobacco-leaves, etc. leaf by leaf. Take them up leaf by leaf.
Freq. of sídsid. Edge, rim, border; to edge, border, etc.
Hardening; to harden. Paníg-a sang solóksolók. A hardening of the stomach. (see tíg-a).
(Sp. fanega) A measure of grain, half a bushel (pásong); also a measure for land (about 1.59 acre).
To possess or wear the charm "tigádlum" (supposed to make its possessor (owner, wearer) invisible).
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