Foresight, thought, wise forethought, prudence; to have foresight, be prudent, resourceful, to manage well, be careful or circumspect. Maáyo siá sing panigáon. He knows how to manage things well. He is a good manager. He is full of resources or tricks. He is a man of resource. He thinks of many expedients. Sa walâ sing panigáon--. Thoughtlessly--. Unexpectedly--. Without bestowing a thought on it--. Imprudently--. Sa sinâ nga butáng kinahánglan gid ang panigáon. This matter requires great prudence (careful handling). Makúsug siá, ápang nadaúg siá sa dúmug, kay índì siá makahibaló magpanigáon. In spite of his strength he was defeated in wrestling, because he is too simple, too careless or incautious. (see tigáyon, pangáman, hunâhúnà).
To catch fish with the "sígpaw"-a small fishing net.
Freq. of sígput-to end, complete, finish; pick up all the particles left, gather the remnants of. Ginpanígput níla ang mga kán-on nga nagdokót sa túbò. They gathered (with their fingers) the rice sticking to the bamboo plate. (see hingápus, pamíngkong).
To grow old, to age. Nanigúlang siá sa pagkapolís, pagkasologoón, etc. He has grown old in the police force, as a servant, etc. Nagpanigúlang siá sa pagkaímol, kay matámad (siá). He grew old in his poverty, because he was too lazy to work. (see tigúlang).
To be first, foremost; try to excel, to lead, outdo others; to vie, compete with, strive with, contend with. (see pangunáuná).
Freq. of segúro. To be sure, certain, confident; assurance, positiveness, confidence. Nagapanigúro akó nga maabút gid siá. I am sure he will come. (see panálig).
Freq. and Dim. of sihág-to separate from, become loose, go astray, etc.
Supper; to sup, have-, take-, supper. Nakapanihápon na ikáw? Have you had your supper? Panihapónan mo silá. Sup with them. Take supper at their house. Papanihapónan mo silá. Give them supper. Prepare supper for them. Papanihapóna silá. Let them have supper. Give them time or a chance to have their supper. Sán-o kamo magpanihápon kag anó ang ipanihápon nínyo? When will you have supper and what will you have for supper? (see hápon, paniága-dinner).
Freq. of síhay-to deviate, leave the main or straight road; to disagree, fall out, differ, be at variance.
Freq. of tihól. To whistle, blow a whistle; to crack jokes. Paniholí silá. Whistle for them. Blow the whistle that they may hear.
Freq. of tíid. To watch or observe well, keep-an eye on,-a watch on,-under observation. Pinaniíran níya sing maáyo ang mga batásan ni Fuláno. He observed well N.N.'s conduct (habits).
Freq. of síkad. To spread one's legs, plant them firmly on the ground; to lie down and push with the legs; to kick. Panikádi (panikári) silá túbtub nga magbúgtaw. Push them with your legs (Kick them) till they awake.
Freq. of tikáng-to step, take steps, stride, walk, pace; one's way or manner of walking or stepping.
Freq. of tíkmà-to do (take) secretly, etc.
To stamp one's heels on the ground, push or kick with one's feet. (see tikód).
Freq. of síksik-to part the hair and hunt for lice, flees, bugs or other vermin.
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