To strive, try hard, make great efforts, do one's best, exert oneself. (see tingúhà, panikasúg, paningasúg, himúd-os, pamurúg-ot, pamurús).
To make great efforts, struggle hard, strive, be active or energetic, etc. See panikasúg, panikusúg, paningúhà, paningkálas, himúd-os, himúg-ot).
Purification, act of purifying; to purify, remove any pollution or defilement, be clean, keep clean, love cleanliness. Madámù ang mga buluhatón sang mga Hudíyo sa íla panínlò. The Jews had many purification rites. Magpanínlò kamó sa tanán nga mga bágay, agúd dílì kamó pagdunggoón sang balatían. Keep yourselves clean in every way so that you may not contract disease. (see tínlò).
To catch fish by means of a large drag-net called sinsóro (Sp. chinchorro). Nagapaninsóro silá sa dágat. They are out at sea fishing with the drag-net.
Freq. of sínuk-to pay a surprise visit, take unawares, investigate, inspect without previous warning or notice.
To gather (look for) sea-shells. (see tipáy, panlampírong).
Caus. of nipís. To make thin, etc. Panipisá ang tápì. Thin the board. Make the board thinner (thin). Utda ang tápì sa nanipisán kag panipisá pa gid. Cut the board where it is thinnest and make it much thinner yet.
A constellation of stars.
Freq. of sípit-to carry under the arm (pressed to the side).
Freq. of típon-to gather, collect, bring together, assemble.
Gathering, meeting, assembly, collection; to gather, collect, assemble, etc. See panípon. Nagapanipóntípon silá sing mga kawáyan nga igapatíndog sang íla baláy. They are (gradually) collecting (gathering) bamboos for the erection of their house. (see típon).
To loiter, linger, tarry, lounge, stand about idly, remain standing. (see panindógtíndog, panayódtayód).
To slip away, escape from, etc. See panimúdlus. (see palús, panginpalús, pádlus, púdlus, púslut).
Freq. of sirá, será-to close (a door, etc.).
For panirahán from panirá.
(B) To wet the ground under the eaves of a house from the eaves, i.e. to rain only a little. Naniríngan gid lang kaína ang ulán. There was a little rain a short while ago. (see siríngan).
(B) A loafer, parasite; to go out visiting and eating at other people's expense. (see sílong, panumbálay, panudángsudáng, panalósaló).
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