See the Sp. fiador.
A kind of basket. See bayakát id.
(Sp. fiambre) Cold-served; sweets, cakes, etc. served cold as a dessert after a meal.
(Sp. fiambrera) Lunch-basket, dinner-pail, an outfit consisting of several containers for carrying food to workmen in the fields, etc.
Eking out, helping, being of a little assistance; to help, assist. (see sapísápi, bulígbúlig, tabángtábang).
To be or become lame or limping, to lame, cripple. Napíang ang báboy, kay ginhabóy sang mga bátà sing bató. The pig has gone lame, for the boys have been throwing stones at it. Piánga lang ang idô. Lame the dog. Ginpíang níla ang manók. They lamed the chicken.
Used humorously and colloquially for piáng-limping.
(Sp. pianista) Pianist.
(Sp. piáno) Piano.
(Sp. fianza) Surety, bail, bond, guarantee, security. Mangítà ka sing piánsa. Find bail. (see kalig-onán).
(Sp. fiar) To trust, entrust, confide in, have confidence in, rely upon. Saráng mo siá mapiarán sang ímo kwárta, kay matárung kag salalígan siá nga táo. You can entrust your money to him, for he is an honest and reliable man. Ipiár lang sa íya ang ímo bisikléta. Entrust your bicycle to him. Indì siá magpiár sa ímo sang íya áwto. He will not entrust you with his auto. Saráng ikáw makapiár sa ákon. You can rely upon or trust me. (see sálig, túgyan).
A kind of sweetened bread.
A kind of tree yielding a resin which is used as incense.
One who does not eat meat or fish, one who is very particular about his food; a vegetarian. Pidâ siá sa kárne, ísdà, etc. He does not eat meat, fish, etc. (see mapidâ).
Dim. and Freq. of pidâ-fastidious, particular (as to food). Also: to eat slowly or daintily.
(Sp. pedal) Treadle, pedal; to secure or hold fast by treading or exerting pressure upon. Pidalí ang tápì sa púnta. Press the board firmly down at the end. Pidalí ang papél, agúd índì mahúlug. Hold the paper down firmly or it will fall. (see lapakán).
A kind of evergreen plant.
From pilóng, piróng-to close. Napídngan siá sang íya mga matá. His eyes were closed.
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