To drift, sail, swim, float, glide along the surface of water. Also: Caus. of utáwútaw.
To sell retail, deal in small quantities. (see utáyutáy).
To pretend not to hear, affect deafness, be stubborn, pay no heed or attention to. (see pabungúl, pakabungúl).
To prolong, protract, take a long time, lengthen out, extend the duration of. Indì kamó magpaútus sang ínyo nga sugilánon. Don't talk too long. Don't engage in a long conversation. Abáw, nagpaútus ang párì sang íya sermón. Goodness me! The priest preached a long sermon. Pautúsi gid ang maís, agúd makaisá na lang náton ibulád. Let the corn ripen well, so that we may have to dry it in the sun only once. (pa, útus).
Caus. of úyhaw-to cry out aloud, shout.
To follow suit, follow another's lead, be easily swayed, ruled, prevailed upon, imposed upon. Nagapauyóúyo lang siá sang lúyag ni Fuláno. He simply carries out N.N.'s wishes. (see padaládála, idógidóg).
See páus, paús-to become hoarse; hoarse.
To be or get light or bright, to shine, brighten (intransitive). Nagapáwà na ang ádlaw. The sun is shining bright now. Napawáan kitá sang Pagtóo. We are (were) enlightened by faith. Ang kapáwa nga dáyon magpáwa úntà sa íla. May the eternal light shine upon them. (see síga, sánag, íwag, bánag, banáag, sílak).
(B) To want, lack, cease to have or get, be without, but mostly construed with índì or walâ. Indì man mapáwat ang ámon pagkáon. We shall not lack food. Walâ pa man mapáwat ang ákon dáwat nga tubâ sa hapónhápon. I have always succeeded up to now in gathering (I have never failed up to now to gather) some tubâ every evening (or afternoon). (páwat is perhaps a Contr. of pa- and awát).
A sheet of nipa-roofing.
Coconut shell.
Dim. of payâ. Also: Bones of the skull; shoulder-blade.
A small field-hut, a roofed shelter, a small shed.
Dim. of payág. Any primitive little structure resembling a tent, field-hut or shed.
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