To neglect, abandon, shirk, bestow no care upon or pay no attention to. Indì mo pagpatumbayáan ang ímo mga tulumánon. Don't neglect your duties. Ginapatumbayáan gid lang níya ang pagpatoón sa íya mga kabatáan. He pays no attention to the education of his children.
To walk quickly, run, etc. See patabáyag.
To originate, invent, bring about, be the cause of; cause, origin, work, deed, doing. (see patók-pátok, patúga, túnà).
Caus. of tupâ-to fall or alight upon, etc. Pinatúp-an níya si Fuláno sang íya kamót. He struck N.N. He laid hands on N.N.
Caus. of túpad. To remove to the side of, join to, bring near or close to. (see paatúbang).
To light, alight, settle upon, come to, arrive at, land, take up one's abode, come to rest (said particularly of fugitives, runaways, vagabonds, or the like). Túbtub karón walâ sing nakasáyod kon diín siá nagpatúpling (napatúpling). To this moment nobody knows where he is or where he has taken up his abode. (see túpling).
Caus. of túpung. To be equal to; to equalize, make equal, make uniform, to match, cause to correspond or to come up to the same standard.
To stand about idle, stand leaning against a wall or the like. Indì kamó magpatupúng sa gangháan. Don't stand there in the doorway. Nagapatupúng gid lang silá dirâ sa kodál. They are leaning idly against the fence. (see táyod, pamuágpuág).
Caus. of turâtúrà-to shake, etc. Ipaturâtúrà sa íya ang manók túbtub nga magsámpok. Let him shake and set on the cock till it gets up a fighting spirit.
To be exposed to the rain, heat, elements, etc., stand (defy, brave) the rain, heat, etc. Indì ka magpatúras sa ulán, sa ínit. Don't expose yourself to the rain, the heat of the sun.
Ado, fuss, bustle, formality, fooling, warning, or the like; to fuss, bustle, fool, play, behave in a silly manner, perform with much ado. Sa walâ sing paturístúris dáyon níya akó sinúmbag. Without warning he struck (boxed) me. Walâ gid sing madámù nga paturístúris. Without fuss, bustle or much ado. Without many formalities.
(B) To insist, importune, press or force upon. See pagâgâ.
To strive, aim at, seek to obtain, be active or energetic, work with diligence or application; be a good boy. (see panútò).
To yield, give in, submit, etc. See patubalíng, paubág.
To make gallop, to gallop (transitive), put to the gallop or canter. Patuwára ang kabáyo. Gallop the horse. Ginpatúwad níya ang karabáw. He made the buffalo run fast. (pa, túwad).
To have one's will, or way, go one's own way, do as one likes (pleases, chooses) or to follow one's own inclination for. Ang mga manggaránon saráng makapatúyang sang íla mga lúyag. Rich folks can afford to do as they please. Ipatúyang lang ang ímo pílak. Do what you like with your money. (see pasamíyang, pagusá).
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