Missing the mark aimed at, a miss, beside the mark; to miss, to fail to hit. Sa tátlo níya ka habóy duhá ang patsóy, is álang ang matándà. Of his three throws two were misses, only one a hit.
To let, make, order or cause to, bend one's back, bow down low, turn one's back upon, acknowledge one's guilt, confess. Patuará siá. Make him bow down low. (pa, tuád).
To make gallop, etc. See patúwad.
To let, make, order or cause to tip over, tilt, cant up. (pa, tuás).
Dim. and Freq. of patuás. Maáyo siá nga manugwáli kag sagád magpatuástúas sing magayón nga mga púlong. He is a good preacher and an expert at giving beautiful speeches.
(B) See patubalíng-to yield, etc.
Harvest, crop, produce (of fields), industrial output; to harvest, gather the crop; to produce, manufacture. Maáyo ang patubás sa karón nga túig. This year the harvest is (was) good. Pilá ka pásong ang pinatubás mo sang túig nga tinalíkdan? How many bushels (of rice) did you harvest last year? Yanáng bakólod saráng mapatúbsan sing madámù nga lánot. That hill can (could) be made to produce much hemp. (see palatúbson).
Caus. of túbò. To make or let grow; to lend on interest. Pilá ang ginabáyad mo nga túbò sa pílak nga ginpatubóan níya sa ímo? How much interest do you pay on the money he has lent you? Patubói ang ímo kwárta sa íya sing waló sa isá ka gatús. Lend him your money at eight per cent interest. Humáy na man ang patubóon mo sa siníng túig, índì lang tubó sa gihápon. Plant (raise, grow) rice also this year and not sugar cane alone. Mapatúbò ko pa iníng káhoy sing tátlo ka túig kag ugáling tápson ko. I'll allow this tree to grow yet three years and then I will cut it down. Pinatúbò níya akó sang íya pílak. Pinatubóan níya sa ákon ang íya pílak. He has lent me his money (at interest). Ipatúbò na lang sa íya ang isá ka gatús. Patubóa na lang siá sing isá ka gatús. Just grant him a loan of a hundred (pesos). (see pasákà).
(B) To yield, give way, submit, concede, assent, give up, surrender. (see patubalíng, pasúpil, paubág).
Literally: To push each other, from tulúd. To argue, altercate, quarrel about which of the disputants should perform a task that is equally disagreeable to all of them. (see padaítol).
To reflect deeply, ponder well, think profoundly. Nagapatúdok siá sang íya malisúd kag may gamó nga kahimtángan, agúd makadángat siá sing katawháyan sa madámù níya nga kasábà. He is pondering upon his hard and contentious life, in order to find a way of coming to terms in his many lawsuits. (see tudúk).
Start, origin, something originally planned, brought about or done, cause of. Patúga inâ ni Fuláno. That is N.N. work. N.N. is the cause of that. Walâ sáyod ang patúga mo nga iní. That is a foolish idea of yours. Kay sín-o ang patúga nga butangán na man ang áton bánwa sing hospitál? Who originated the plan that our town should be provided with a hospital? Si Fuláno amó ang nagpatúga sinâ. N.N. is responsible for that. N.N. started that idea, plan, business, etc. (pa, túga).
Caus. of túgbong-to enter; bring to the market, etc. Ginpatúgbong níya sa amó nga minurô ang duhá níya ka lampitáw nga batíd kaáyo. He sent his two expert detectives into that village. (see padalá).
Contrivance, machination, management; to bring about, invent, plot, plan, machinate. (see pátok, patúga, paratúdhan, pahitôhítò, patigáyon).
Caus. of tulón-to swallow, gulp down. Ipatulón mo sa íya inâ. Let him swallow that (literally and metaphorically). Patúnla siá siníng bulúng. Make him swallow this medicine. Give him this medicine to swallow.
Caus. of tulúd-to push, etc. Also: Well-wishing at parting, god-speed, farewell; to say goodbye to, accompany a parting friend to the train or boat, give one a "send-off".
(H) To let sleep, cause to sleep, etc. Patulúga ang bátà. Put-, send-, the baby to sleep. Let the baby sleep. Patulúgi iníng kátre sa bisíta. Let the visitor sleep in this bed. (pa, túlug).
(H) Caus. of tulúg-tulúg. To give a little rest to, to let doze, snooze, sleep, take a short nap. Patulúgtulugón mo lang ánay inâ. Let it rest for a while. Sleep over it. (see pahilónghilóng).
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