(H) How many? How much? An uncertain number (but usually more than one). Pilá ka mángmang ang kinahánglan mo? How many pesos do you need? Pilá ang ginbáyad mo sinâ-or-pilá ang bakál mo sinâ? How much did you pay for that-or-for how much did you buy that? Mga pilá lang ka táo ang nagtalámbong. Only a few people attended. Pilá ang edád mo-or-pilá ka túig ang edád mo? How old are you? What is your age? (pirá id.).
(Sp. pila) Stone trough or basin; font, Holy water stoup. Píla bautismál. Baptismal Font.
To excoriate, abrade, chafe. Napiláhan ang bulî ko sang maláwig nga pagsakáy ko sa kabáyo. My seat became sore from long riding on horseback. (see piláhon).
Excoriated, abraded, chafed, sore (of skin); bed-sore; bedridden. Presentádo gánì, piláhon. One who presents himself has a sore skin i.e. one who presents himself to another has usually-something to ask,-some complaint to make,-"an axe to grind". (see píla).
Silver; money; to turn into money. Pilákon mo lang iníng mga kadiós. Turn these cadios-peas into money. Make money on these cadios-peas, (i.e. sell them).
To throw-, cast-, chuck-, away, fling off, hurl. Ipilák sa gwâ iníng mga ságbot. Throw this rubbish out. Pilakí akó sing isá ka sipî nga ságing. Throw me a cluster of bananas.
Rich, moneyed, monied, having much silver or money. (see manggaránon, bangkílan, aligyanán).
To wound, inflict a wound, cut, slash, gash, to injure; to hurt, wound (one's feelings). Indì mo siá pagpilásan (pagpiláson). Don't wound him. Ginpílas níya ang ákon tagiposóon. He hurt my feelings. Walâ siá pagpilása sang ruéda sang káro, kóndì pinahánog lang ang íya bútkon. The cart-wheel did not inflict a wound on him, but only bruised his arm.
Wound, cut, slash, gash, incision, injury; pain, grief, sorrow.
Wounded, injured, crippled. Ang mga pilasón íla gindalá sa hospitál. They carried the wounded to the hospital. Pilasón man siá, ápang pikíti lang. He was wounded also, but only slightly.
Inclined, turned sideways or downwards (downward), not straight; to hang down, droop. Ang mga súngay siníng báka piláy. The horns of this cow are turned downwards.
(Sp. píldoras) Pill, pellet.
Summit, etc. See piléw-pilewán, putókputokán.
Summit, apex, tip, top, peak, crown, highest point or top of a bamboo, tree, belfry, mountain, or the like. (see alipokpokán, piléwpiléw).
A kind of pitch used as incense.
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