Picked out, chosen, selected, the very best; fastidious, particular, overnice, difficult to please as regards food, or the like; to choose, select, pick out, elect, vote for. Pílì nga táo. A picked, prominent, outstanding man (person, personage). Pílì nga heneró. Carefully chosen or selected cloth. Pílì nga káhoy. The very best wood (timber). Mga pílì gid nga pagkáon ang íya nga lúyag. He wants to have the very best food. He is very fastidious as regards food. Pilía ang mga dalágkù sináng mga páhò. Choose (pick out) the large ones from among those mangoes. Magpílì kamó sing mga kandidáto nga maáyo kag matárung. Cast your vote for good and honest candidates. Pilíi sing pásì ang bugás. Pick out the unhulled rice grains from among the pounded rice. Nagapapílì siá liwán? Is he offering his candidature again? Ang ibán nga mga nagapapílì maáyo manghapóhap (mangapóhap) sa mga pumililî. Some candidates are clever at (well versed in) fooling (flattering) the electors. (Note the accent in the following). Napilián siá nga pangúlopuód sang pagpiniliáy nga naglígad. He was chosen Provincial Governor at the last election. Walâ sing pílì kag walâ sing pilían. Without fear or favour. (see luhâ, áno, bóto).
The hip-joint, the top of the femur or thigh-bone; the waist line. (see balikawáng).
To quiver, vibrate, flutter, flap, tremble, shake, move quickly to and fro. Nagapílik sa hángin ang mga dáhon sang burí. The leaves of the buri-palm are trembling in the wind. Ginapapílik sang hángin ang mga dáhon sang káhoy. The wind is tossing (shakes) the leaves of the tree to and fro. Kon papilíkon sing lakás sang hángin ang mga hayáhay magísì. If the wind flutters (flaps) the flags too much they tear (get torn). Ang ámon kúmbung pumílik sa hángin, nadúktan sang kandílà kag nasúnug. Our curtain swayed in the wind, came too near (against) the candle and took fire.
Dim. and Freq. of pílik. To tremble, move, shake slightly; to shake off (by a quick tremulous motion). Ginapapilíkpílik sang dupóydúpoy sang hángin ang mga pakláng sang ságing. The soft breeze is moving (swinging, swaying) the banana leaves gently to and fro. Pinilíkpilikán siá sang lunángon nga karabáw kag napilitán siá sa pagpalígos. He was bespattered with mud by a dirty buffalo and was forced to clean himself by taking a bath. (see hulághúlag).
(From the Sp. fleco) A fringe of hair hanging down straight over the forehead to within a short distance of the eyebrows. Pilikílyo ang íya bohók. Her hair hangs down in a fringe over her forehead.
Election; place where something is to be chosen or elected, electoral district. (see pílì, palapilián).
That is to be chosen or elected, eligible, worthy to be chosen, desirable. (see pililián).
(B) See pilewpilewán.
The Philippines, Philippine Islands.
Philippine, pertaining to the Philippines; Filipino.
Filipino. Batásan nga Pilipíno. Philippine customs.
To crush, break into small fragments or crumble a piece of sugar, a clod of earth, a lump of salt, etc.; to rub, squeeze, roll (between the fingers). Pilipísa ang kalámay. Crumble the sugar. Pilipísa ang áto sang hílo túbtub nga magsulúd sa dágum. Roll the end of the thread to a fine point, till it can pass through the eye of the needle.
(H) To urge, insist, force, compel, impel, constrain, drive, make, press with arguments, entreaties, threats, etc. Pilíta siá sa pagtámbong. Compel him to attend. Ginpílit níya akó sa pagupúd sa íya. He pressed me to accompany him. He made me go with him. Napilitán akó sa paghámbal sa ínyo nga--. I feel obliged or am compelled to tell you that--. Indì ka magpílit sa ákon. Now, don't force me. (Note the accent in "napilitán").
To adhere to, stick to (as paste, glue, etc.). Ang lúnang nagpilít sa ákon sapátos. The mud stuck to my boots. Papilití (papítli) ang sóbre sing prankéo. Stamp-, put (stick) a stamp on-, the envelope. (see dokót).
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