List of Hiligaynon words starting with the letter P - Page 41



Pertaining to the ants called palâ; full of palâ.



To raise the voice, to shout, sing aloud. Magpalaóyláoy ka sang ímo tíngug. Palaóylaóya ang ímo tíngug. Raise your voice. Shout or sing aloud. (palaúyláuy id.).



A hammer. (see pâpâ, palapák).



To make wide, extend, widen, broaden. Palapára ang lamésa. Make the table wide or wider. Ipalápad ko sa ímo ang ákon kaingín. I'll let you increase the extent of my jungle fire. You may burn over a greater area. Indì ka na magpalápad sang dálan, kay túman na kalápad. Don't make the road broader (wider), for it is broad (wide) enough already. (see lápad).



A fishing line, the line to which the fish-hook is attached.



A hammer or beater, knocker, club, flail, rod, particularly a cotton beater. (see papák).



Caus. of lápak-to tread or step on, etc. Also: A devotional practice whereby the base of a statue of a Saint is applied to the head or to other parts of the body; to apply the statue or have it applied. May palápak. There is (was or will be) an applying of the statue. Mapalápak (Magapalápak) akó. I am going to receive the "palápak". Madámù gid ang ginpalapákan sang piésta ni San Bisénte. Very many people received "palápak" on the feast of S. Vincent. Ipalápak sa íya ang laráwan ni Sánta Ríta. Take the statue of S. Rita and give him the "palápak". (palápak literally means: to cause to tread on, to allow another to put his foot on one's head or neck (an ancient sign of submission).



A petitioner, beggar, haggler, higgler, one who always asks for some discount, privileges, gratuities, etc. (see ayô).



See palanginyáwat.



Place where pardon can be obtained; confessional. (see patáwad).



What can be-, is to be-, forgiven or pardoned; one entitled to amnesty; venial, pardonable. (see palapatawarán).



A candidate for election, one who is, or wishes, to be chosen for an office, or the like. (see pílì, pilî, pumililî, piniliáy).



(H) To approach, approximate, draw nigh or near, come close to, come-, go-, towards, go or come near. Pumalapít ka sa íya. Approach him. Draw near him. Indì ka magpalapít sa ákon. Don't come near me. Papalapitá si Hosé sa ákon. Make José come near me. Palapití si Hosé. Go near José. Pinalapitán akó níya. He came near me. He approached me. Ipapalapít mo sa ákon ang síya. Place the chair near me. Put the chair nearer me. (pa, lapít; papalapít is the Caus. of palapít).



To extend, spread, to propagate, cause to be more extensively used or known, promulgate, circulate, disseminate, diffuse, popularize. Ginpalápnag níla ang pagtóo. They spread the faith. Palapnagá iníng kláse sang bínhì. Make general the use of this kind of seeds. Walâ pa silá pagpalapnagí dídto sang amó nga galingán. That sort of machine has not yet been introduced there amongst them. Ipalápnag dídto ang amó nga balasahón. Make propaganda there for that paper. Increase the circulation of that paper in that locality. (pa, lápnag).



(H) Fortunate, lucky, happy, successful, blessed. (pálad). (see buláhan, baláan).

A place where pictures are made or sold; a picture shop, studio, a photographer's atelier. (pa, laráwan).



That is-, has-, to be borne or endured; bearable, tolerable, supportable, endurable, sufferable, burden, what can be borne. (see pás-an, lulukdóhon, lúlan, síngkaw).



To thin out, dilute. (see lás-aw).



To make distasteful, give one a distaste for or a dislike of, cause antipathy, avert from, cause to become disgusted with, induce a sense of loathing. Ipalás-ay sa íya ang batásan sináng táo. Bring him to detest that man's character. Palas-ayá siá, agúd dílì na siá magpadáyon sang íya mga pagdúaw dídto. Tell him something to make him disgusted, so that he may discontinue his visits there. Bisán anó ang hámbal mo índì ka makapalás-ay sa ákon sa kay Fuláno. Whatever you may say, you will not be able to make me dislike N.N. (pa, lás-ay).



To upset, bewilder, confuse, pump, ply with many questions, cross-question, cross-examine. Ginpalásang sang mananábang ang sáksi. The lawyer tried to bewilder the witness with many questions, cross-examined him with the intention of inducing him to say some foolish things, make absurd statements. Palasánga ang mga bátà, agúd mahibaloán ta kon matúod nga maálam silá sang íla leksyón. Ask the children many questions, so that we may know, if it is true that they know their lesson. (pa, lásang).

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