(H) Near new moon. Gáb-i nga palatión. A night near new moon, i.e. a dark night. (see latî).
Safe keeping, storage, strong-room, store-room, store-house, place where anything is preserved or kept. Palatipigán sang pílak. Palatipigán-pílak. Savings bank. Safety deposit. (see típig).
Of legal age to go to school; that is to be taught, a pupil, student, boy or girl of school-age, etc. (see toón).
(H) The expected yield from a farm, plantation, mine, manufacturing plant, etc.; crops, produce, commodities, output. (see patubás).
(H) Poultry yard, feeding ground for poultry, barnyard for fowls. (see tukâ).
Chicken-food, grain, or the like, to be scattered and picked up by poultry, birdseed. (see tukâ, palatúk-an).
(H) Foundation, principle, ground, basis. Palatukán-Pagbulút-an-Legislature, congress, legislative assembly. (pátok).
Principles, etc. See palatukurán.
Principles, constitution, rules, foundation, fundamental laws, maxims, postulates. (see túkud, palatúkdan, palatukán).
(H) Place where something is melted, dissolved or made liquid; smeltery, foundry, melting furnace; digestion. (see túnaw).
(H) Anything employed to make a sound, sounding-board, musical instrument. Nagahímos kag nagabinagáy-bágay silá sang íla mga palatúnggon. They are getting ready and tuning up their musical instruments. (pa, túnug).
(H) One to be killed or executed, condemned, sentenced to capital punishment, condemned to die (death). (see patáy, mamalátyon).
Restraint, restriction, reserve, refrainment, abstention, abstainment; what is to be-restrained,-abstained from, or the like. Indì na palaumurán ang paghinámbit sang amó nga mga butáng. There is now no restriction (limitation, reservation) on mentioning those things (such matters). (see úmud, paúmud).
Caus. of laút. To make sick, excite aversion. Iníng malás-ay nga pagkáon nagapalaút sang ákon solóksolók. Such tasteless food makes me sick.
That is to-, can-, should-, be brought to the surface; worthy to-rise,-come out on top,-occupy a high position. (see útwas).
To raise (the voice). See palaóyláoy.
To end, stop, terminate, cease, close, finish, conclude, cause to cease, put a stop to, bring to an end, put an end to, said especially of troubles and difficulties. Palawá ang íya kalisúd. Put a stop to his distress. Ipaláw iníng kalingáwlingáwan sa íya kasubô. Make use of this diversion to make her stop mourning. Ang pagabút ni tátay nagpaláw sang íya nga kamíngaw. The arrival of father was the end of her loneliness. Ginpaláw sang diósnon nga kaló-oy ang íya makahanúsbò nga kahimtángan. The mercy of God granted that his pitiable condition should end. (see paráw).
(H) To make ugly, hideous, etc. Palaw-ayá ang íya guyá, agúd índì na siá makilála sang mga táo. Make his face so ugly (Make him look hideous) that people may not recognize him any more. Ipaláw-ay sa íya iníng úling. Make him look hideous with this charcoal. (pa, láw-ay).
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