Caus. of líp-ot. To shorten, make short, abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut short. Palip-otá ang íya sárwal. Shorten his trousers.
To let or make avoid, let pass, etc. Palipása ang kángga sa dálan. Let the cart pass through the road. (pa, lípas).
Caus. of lipát. Palipatá siá sinâ. Let him forget it (that). Palipatá siá sa kay Fuláno. Let him give N.N. a slap.
Caus. of lípong. To cause a fainting fit, etc.; to render insensible, make unconscious, anaesthetize, anesthetize; an anaesthetic. Sang pagbúsbus sa íya pinalípong siá ánay (walâ siá magpalípong). When he was operated upon (underwent-, submitted to-, an operation), he was (first)-anaesthetized,-given a narcotic (he would not submit to be chloroformed, etherized, narcotized, anaesthetized).
Dim. of palípong. Also: to pretend not to know, plead ignorance, take no notice of, do as if not aware of. Indì ka magpalipónglípong, kay nakahibaló kamí nga nakasáyod ka sang tanán. Don't plead ignorance, because we know that you know everything. (see pakalipóng).
To screen, let screen, put up a screen, screen off, hide, hide oneself, take shelter. Palípdi ang masakít sa kátre (higdáan). Screen off (Put up a screen for) the sick person in bed. Palipúd ka. Hide yourself. Take shelter. (see lipúd).
A ring, hoop, band, ligature in the form of a ring.
To deviate from one's course, deflect, swerve from the straight route, be blown off one's course, applied to the wind interfering with the straight course of a vessel at sea, etc. Ang ámon sakayán ginpális sang hángin. Our boat was blown off its course (by the wind). Indì kamó maglárga karón, kay kóntra ang hángin kag básì palíson kamó. Don't sail now, for the wind is contrary and you may be blown out of (deflected from) your course.
To make turn round, let turn, reverse, turn round (transitive); to convert. Palisóa ang karabáw. Make the buffalo turn round. Turn the buffalo round.
To let or make-enlist,-enroll, have one's name inscribed on a list. Mapalísta kamí sa manuglísta. We are going to be enlisted by the registrar. Palistahá siá sang íya nga ngálan. Have him enlist. Let him enter his name on the list. Let him have his name put down in the list. Let him have his name listed. Ipalísta sa piskál ang ímo anák. Let the fiscal register the name of your child. (see lísta, pasulát).
(Sp. paleta) A small shovel, trowel; palette.
(Sp. paletada) A trowelful of mortar, or the like.
(Sp. palito) Toothpick. (see palanghiningá).
Embezzlement, malversation, misappropriation, fraud; to defraud, embezzle, appropriate fraudulently money, etc. Ginpalítog níla ang pílak sang bánwa. They used the people's money for private purposes-or-they defrauded the public. Indì mo pagpalitógon ang kwárta nga tinúgyan sa ímo. Don't embezzle the money entrusted to you. (pa, lítog).
Recreation, vacation, holiday, time off, free time; to spend a holiday, take a vacation, get-a day off,-an hour free, divert oneself, take a walk, spend an hour or so in recreation, etc. (see lingáwlíngaw, ngaw, paluyáwlúyaw, liwálíwa).
Neglect, abandonment; to neglect, shirk, leave undone, abandon, leave. Indì mo pagpaliyánliyánan ang ímo mga buluhatón. Don't neglect-or-abandon your duties. Ginpaliyánliyánan sang mga bátà ang pagbúnyag sang mga tanúm kag nagsúgud silá sang hámpang. The boys neglected to water the plants and started playing. (see biyâbíyà, pasalipótpot, pabuyánbúyan).
(Sp. palillo) Any small stick; bobbin.
See palío-to contrive, etc.
A frame for bobbins; reel-stand.
To wash away or take out a stain, etc. See kakás id. Palkasá, palkasí, ipálkas-kakasá, kakasí, ikakás.
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