Search result(s) - níya



(Sp. lila) The lilac shrub and its beautiful flowers; lilac colour, lilac-coloured, a blending of blue and pink. Ginbáklan níya ang íya nóbya sing isá ka térno nga líla líso (líla nga líso, líla nga lúgus). He bought for the bride a dress-suit of unfigured lilac.



Concealment-, hiding-, of the truth; to hide, conceal, suppress-, keep from-, withhold-, the truth. Indì ka maglílong sang ímo mga salâ. Don't conceal your sins. Ginlilóngan níya ang íya amáy sang pagtámbong níya sa sáut. He kept back from his father the fact that he had assisted at the dance. Ilílong mo sa íya iníng hitabû. Hide from him this event or accident. (see likúm, tágò, hinabón).



To worsen, make a disease worse, change for the worse (often implying a superstitious belief that one visiting a sick person after he has been to a house where someone has lately died will exert an injurious influence upon the sickness). Ginlímas níya ang katúl sang bátà, kay naghápit sa napátyan kag nagpaúlì nga walâ ánay pagtuóba. He made the child's skin-disease worse by going to a house where someone had died and returning home without being first disinfected by smoke. Naglímas siá sang ákon tígpas. He made my measles worse. Linímas níya ang hánggà (butí) sang ákon útud. On account of him my brother's smallpox got worse. (see láin, búg-at).



Fraud, imposture, cheating, swindle; to cheat, defraud, impose upon, bilk, diddle, do, take in, swindle, commit a fraud, appropriate fraudulently. Indì ka maglímbong kag índì ka magpalímbong. Don't cheat and don't allow yourself to be cheated. Linimbongán akó níya sing tátlo ka písos. He defrauded me of three pesos. Sa limá ka mángmang ilímbong mo sa íya ang tátlo. Of the five pesos keep back three yourself (and give him only two-or-defraud him of three pesos out of five). (see dáyà, agóng, lág-it, palítog, káwtì, káwat, tíkas, tákaw, likúm, lílong, tágò).



(Sp. limosna) Alms, offering, gift, bounty, dole, gratuity; stipend for a Mass; funeral fee; to give an alms, etc. Ilimós sa makalolóoy nga táo iníng pisítas. Give the poor man this peseta. Límsi-or-limosí ang makilímos sing salapî. Give the beggar fifty centavos. Linímsan níya ang simbáhan sing napúlò ka mángmang. He made an offering of ten pesos to the church. Walâ pa silá paglímsi sang lángit sing mga bátà. They have not yet been blessed with children. Heaven has not yet granted them the gift of children. (see hátag, regálo, etc.).



(Sp. limpio) Clean, stainless, spotless, pure, free, clear; to clean, cleanse, make stainless, etc. Límpyohí ang balatonán, ang mga pínggan, etc. Clean the reception room, the plates, etc. Ilímpyo iníng habón sa mga panápton. Wash the clothes with this soap. Linimpyohán níya ang mga báso sing maáyo. He cleaned the glasses well. Límpyo na ang lángit nga walâ sing gál-um. The sky is now clear of clouds. (see tínlò).



To tread, trample upon, applied especially to the separating of rice-grains from the ears by trampling on them. Linása ang humáy. Tread the rice. Linásan akó nímo sing tátlo ka pásong nga humáy. Tread three bushels of rice for me. Maálam ka balá maglínas? Do you know how to tread rice? Ginlínas gid lang níya ang ákon katarúngan. He trampled on my rights. He spurned my arguments. (see lápak, tápak).



To muse, think, ponder, be absorbed in, have one's mind occupied with. Nagalínghag siá sang trak nga íya pagalulánan sang humáy níya nga galalíngon. He is thinking about how to get a truck to take his rice to the mill. (see libólíbo, hunâhúnà, dúmdum).



To borrow, get on credit, raise money, run into debt. Maglíngit ka lang ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga bugás sa kay Fuláno. Just borrow for the present three gantas of hulled rice from N.N. Língta (lingíta) ang íya kwárta. Borrow his money. Palingíta (palíngta) akó sing isá ka sáko nga maís. Lend me a sack of corn. Walâ akó makalíngit sang íya salákyan, kay ginhinakáyan ni Fuláno. I could not borrow his car or vehicle, for it had been hired by N.N. Pinalíngit man níya akó kuntánì sing kwárta, ápang sa karón balasúbas siá. He would have granted me a loan of money, but at present he is out of cash. (see hulám, útang).



To peep or squint through a hole, observe secretly through any small aperture. Anó ang ginalíngling mo dirâ? What are you peeping through that hole for? Indì ka maglíngling. Don't peep through holes. Linglingá silá kon anó ang íla ginabúhat dirâ. Watch them through a chink or hole to see what they are doing there. Ginlíngling níya silá nga nagailísip sang pílak. He watched them secretly as they counted the money. Ang kinitáan sang tápì amó ang ginalinglingán níya sa ilá. He peered or peeped at them through the board-seam. (see bántay, panílag).



To shake, agitate (bottles, etc.). Linoá ang lubí kon láhin na úkon línghod pa. Shake the coconut to see whether it is ripe or not. Naglubúg ang sulúd siníng botílya, kay ginlinô níya. The contents of this bottle have become turbid, because he has shaken it. Linoí akó siníng mga ítlog kon maáyo úkon kanô. Shake these eggs for me to see whether they are (good) fresh or not.



To find a contrivance, means or remedy according to one's needs, particularly applied to the borrowing of money. Naglío siá sing kwárta. He borrowed some money. Somehow he managed to get hold of some money. Ginlióhan níya akó sing kwárta. He borrowed some money from me. Palalío (Palalíyo, paralíyo) siá nga táo. He is fond of-, is always-, borrowing money. He is a troublesome or unpleasant man to deal with. (see hulám, laláng, rimédyo and the following lío).

lióg, li-óg


To collar, grasp by the neck. Ginlióg níya akó. He grasped me by the back of the neck. Liogá siá. Collar him. Take him by the throat. Indì ka maglióg sa íya. Don't take him by the throat. Don't throttle him. (see kugâ).

líong, lí-ong


The armhole, the circular cut in a garment where the sleeve is attached; to make the armhole. Sangkará ang líong sang ákon báyò. Widen the armhole of my jacket. Ginpasángkad (Gintambihán) níya ang ákon gutúk nga pakô náyon sa ílok kag pinadakû níya ang líong. She widened (let out) my tight sleeve near the armpit and enlarged the armhole.



To shun, avoid, turn away from, neglect, take no notice of, deviate, digress; omit, be disobedient. Buút siá maglípas sa ákon, kay mahádluk nga sókton ko siá sang ákon kwárta nga ginpahulám ko sa íya. He wants to avoid me, because he fears that I might demand payment of the amount he has borrowed from me. Sang pagkakítà níya sa ákon sa dálan naglípas siá. When he saw me on the road, he turned away from me. Ginlipásan níya siá gíkan sa kahuyâ. He avoided meeting him out of shame. Naglípas siá sa párì, kay naglápas siá sa pagsímba. He avoided meeting the priest, because he had neglected going to church,-had missed Mass. (see likáw, lígad, lubás, aklihís, lápas).



To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, etc. Ang kawáyan nagalipód sang baláy-or-ang baláy ginalípdan sang kawáyan. The house is hidden behind the bamboo. The bamboo screens the house. Ang tíktik nalípdan sang madábung nga mga káhuy. The spy was concealed behind the dense foliage of trees. Ang amó nga minurô ginalibútan kag ginalípdan sing búg-os sang mga kawáyan. That village is completely surrounded and closed to view by bamboos. Palípdi ang nabagátnan sang ímo baláy sing mga akásya, kay ábong gid sa hángin. Hide the southside of your house behind acacias, for it is too much exposed to the wind. Ang íla nga binúhat índì na malípdan. Their deed cannot be concealed any longer. Ginlípdan níya ang maláin nga katuyoán sing matám-is nga hámbal. He covered his wicked design under a cloak of sugary or honeyed talk. (see lipón, lípon, tábon, tabón, gabún, hingabón, tágò, panágò).



To cause a fainting fit, swoon, syncope, unconsciousness; to make dizzy, drunk, etc. Nalípong siá. He swooned (went off in a swoon), had a fainting fit, lost consciousness. Ginlípong níya akó sang bíno. He made me dizzy, giddy or drunk with wine. Ang mga masakít nga oloperáhan ginalípong silá ánay sang manugbúlung. Sick persons about to be operated upon are first given an anaesthetic by the physician. (see língin, hubúg).



Interception, circumvention, stoppage; to pursue and catch by a strategem, intercept, circumvent, take a short-cut or the like. Lipotá ang makáwat. Intercept the thief. Linipót níya akó sa dálan. He intercepted me on the road. Ilipót akó ánay sang ákon kabáyo nga nagadalágan dirâ. Kindly run around and catch my horse that is running away there. Kon sóndon nínyo iníng laktúran, básì nga malipót pa nínyo ang buyóng. If you follow this short-cut, you may be able to intercept and catch the brigand. (see bángan, bánggà, dakúp, lagás, siód, litâ).



To be terrified, shocked, frightened, affrighted, impressed with sudden fear, alarmed, scared, dismayed, appalled, filled with great fear or terror, inspired with awe, frightened out of one's-wits,-senses,-seven senses. Nalísang siá sang paglínog. Nagkalísang siá sang paglínog. He was filled with terror (was full of consternation) at the earthquake. Ginkalísang níya ang kaláyo. Nagpalísang sa íya ang kaláyo. The fire struck him with awe. Indì mo siá pagpalisángon. Don't terrify him. (see hádluk, kibút, kúlbà, kúgmat, panglígbus, panguyús, kibút, ngídlis).



To misuse, defraud, steal or cheat craftily, embezzle, fail to use (money, etc.) according to the intention of the contributor or donor. Ginlítog (ginpalítog) níya ang ákon kwárta. He misused my money, spent it wrongfully. Indì mo paglitógon (pagpalitógon) ang pílak nga gintúgyan sa ímo sang ibán. Do not use for your own purposes the money entrusted to you by others. (see palítog).

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