(H) Bug, bedbug. (see bágsat id. N.B. This term seems to have been introduced by the Chinese).
Awkward, clumsy, ungainly, gawky. (see bikwálon).
An artificial canal in a river narrowing towards the end and provided there with a fish-trap. (see pailíg id.).
Strength, firmness, stability, stoutness; to be or become strong, firm, stout, sturdy. Nagbákud na ang ámon baláy, kay ginkaáyo sang pánday. Our house is now strong, because the carpenter has repaired it. Bakúron (-údon) mo ang pagpatíndog sang baláy. Build the house strong. Ipabákud sa pánday ang ímo baláy, agúd índì mapúkan sang bágyo. Get a carpenter to strengthen your house, or it will be blown down by a hurricane. (see líg-on, pág-on).
(Sp. vacuna) Cowpox, vaccine virus; to vaccinate. Sín-o ang nagbakúna sa imo? Who vaccinated you? Ginabakunáhan karón ang mga kabatáan sa mga buluthóan, kay nagapamutí. The children at school are being vaccinated at present, for there is an epidemic of smallpox. Ipabakúna ang ímo mga anák sa manugbúlung, agúd índì malátnan sang butí. Get your children vaccinated by the doctor, lest they should be infected with smallpox. Kalití ang pagpabakúna, kay ang mga nabakunáhan tumalágsa gid lámang madunggoán sang butí. Get vaccinated in time, for those that are vaccinated are rarely attacked by smallpox. (see sibít, pasibít).
A fabulous large snake or dragon believed to devour the moon at the time of an eclipse; eclipse of sun or moon. Ang búlan ginalámon, konó, sang bakunáwa. The moon, they say, is swallowed by the bakunáwa. (see eklípse).
See bakiâ, bákià.
Rock, stone; rocky, stony, barren (of soil).
See bákiaw.
A file; to file. Bal-agí ang lagárì. File the saw. Ibál-ag akó ánay sang ákon lagárì. Please file my saw.
To check, curb, hinder, stop, etc. See pál-ong.
An insertion; a stripe or streak, something put in between; to stripe or streak, to put in between. Ang pugáwa nga maitúm bal-otí sing madalág. Put some yellow stripes into the black woof. Bal-otón mo ang pulá, putî, kag dalág sa ímo paghabúl. Weave into the cloth at regular intervals red, white and yellow stripes. Ibál-ot ang itúm sa putî. Put black streaks into the white cloth or put in alternate stripes of black and white. (see gúray sámay).
Striped, streaky, showing various lines of colours. Bal-ót-bál-ot ang sámay sang íya báyò. His jacket is striped. His jacket shows lines of various colours. (see labólabó-variegated, dyed in different colours; to alternate (of colours).
An interrogative particle. Sín-o balá? Who? Anó balá iní? What is this? Ambót kon matúod balá iní ukón butíg. I don't know whether it is true or not.
Fortune, good luck. Pabálà-to risk, trust to one's good luck, venture. Nagapabálà gid lámang siá. He has confidence in his good luck. (N.B. Bálà is now obsolete, but occurs in the following baláan).
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