Across, athwart, in the way. See balábag id.
A long, pliable, tough-root,-stem,-tendon of a creeper or other plants, used as a rope.
A discussion, disputation, debate, a literary entertainment, poetical competition, meeting, where the conversational language is preferably a native dialect. (see bágtas).
Anything that can be rung or is to be rung, as a bell. (see bágting).
Known, public, notorious, spread, rumoured (said of news, etc.); to get known, become public, etc. Nabalahúbà inâ sa bánwa. That became known in town, they got wind of it-or-it was rumoured in town. Indì ka makatágo sinâ, kóndì mabalahúbà gid sa olíhi. You cannot hide that, for finally it will get known-or-the news of it will spread.
Dancing-hall, dancing-room, dance-hall, ball-room. (báile).
Controversy, difference; something that is to be debated or discussed; debatable, disputable, open to question, subject to contention or controversy; place where something is debated, etc. (see báis).
Care, concern, solicitude, great interest; to take care of, be concerned for or about something, to look well after, be solicitous for. Nagakabaláka siá sing maáyo sang tanán nga mga butáng sa sulúd sang baláy. She attends with great care to everything within the house. Indì mo pagkabalák-an ang nahanungúd sa ákon. Don't concern yourself about what belongs to me-or-is my business. Igkabaláka akó ánay siníng mga bátà. Please take care of these children for a while. (see álingá, tátap, ripára, bántay, etc.).
The leaf-like sheath at the bottom of a bamboo branch where it springs from the stem.
To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He is standing at the door with his feet wide apart. Ibalakáng or balakangá ang tiíl mo. Straddle your legs. Aláng-álang man nga balakangán ko ang tanán nga buluhatón. It is impossible for me to do all the work. (Literally: it is impossible for me to stretch my legs astride all the work, to bestride all the work. (see bakâ, bakáng, barakáng).
To poise, to weigh in the hand, to judge or guess the weight of an object by holding it and moving it up and down. Balakía ang búgsò sang kárne. Weigh the piece of meat in your hand. Ginabalákì níya ang kabug-atón sang bombáy. He tried the weight of the onions in his hand. Figuratively: to balance, match. Ang bána nga mapíntas kag ang asáwa nga mahínay nagabalákì. The rough husband and the gentle wife compensate for each other. Ginabalákì sang Diós ang mga batásan sang magasawá. God balances the qualities of married folk.
(H) To raise, or lift up a little, clothes such as the skirt, the cassock or the like. Balakínga ang patádyong mo, kay madálum ang subâ. Raise your skirt a little, for the river is deep. Magbaláking ka sang sotána mo, agúd índì mabasâ. Lift your cassock a little, lest it should get wet. (see kalókos, kolókos-to tuck up the trousers or the like; baráking).
(H) Shop, store, emporium, stall, booth, place where things are sold. Kon may baláklon ikáw magkádto ka sing úna sa kay N.N., kay maáyo gid inâ nga baláklan. When you have to buy anything go first to N. N., because that is a very good place to buy. (see bakál, baláklon, balaligyáan).
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