See bakaláw-codfish.
The wandering or crossing over mountains, hills, etc.; to cross, pass over heights. Ginbáklay níla ang matáas nga búkid. They crossed the high mountain. Baklayá ang bakólod. Cross the hill. Ibáklay akó siníng mga patádyong sa Hámtik. Kindly take these skirts along over the hills to Antique.
A slight scratch, laceration, as of a thorn, briar, etc.; to scratch, lacerate, injure the skin, etc. Nabáklis akó. I got a little scratched. Nabaklisán akó sang símsim sa ákon bútkon. The bamboo-branches scratched my arm. Dílì mo akó pagbaklisón sang sibít. Don't scratch me with the pin. (see bákris, páklis, baríkas).
etc. See bakál.
To swell out, be protuberant, bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the like). Nagabáknal ang íya bólsa. His pocket bulges. Nabaknalán ang íya bólsa sang kamúnsil. His pocket is stuffed with kamunsel-fruit. Dî mo pagpabaknalón ang ímo bólsa sing lakás, kay básì magísì. Don't stuff your pocket too tight, for it might be torn. Kon mga saráng, tanawá kon may púling ang ákon matá, kay may nagabáknal sa sulúd. Kindly have a look whether there is a speck in my eye, for something is stirring or swelling within it.
A kind of malignant ulcer, a carbuncle that frequently attacks the legs of children and heals but slowly.
An insect with a very obnoxious smell, a sort of large bug varying in size and colour. Some are as large as a cockroach.
(B) To cudgel, cane, thrash, beat, trounce, whip, flog, strike with a rod, whip or the like. Bakóla siá. Give him a beating. Ibákol sa íya iníng bilogón. Strike him with this cane, rod. Kon índì ka magpáti sa ákon, ipabákol ko ikáw sa kay tátay mo. If you don't listen to me, I'll hand you over to your father for a thrashing. (see búnal, hánot, lámpus, etc.).
To stew, to cook in a bamboo-joint, especially poultry, with various ingredients. Bakolá ang manók. Stew the chicken in a bamboo-joint. Bakolí akó sing manók. Stew a chicken or me. Ibakól akó ánay siníng manók. Please, stew this chicken for me. Kinawátan siá níla sang íya bálon nga binakól. They stole his stewed chicken, which he had brought with him as provision on his trip.
A kind of lily.
To scratch, lacerate, etc. See báklis id.
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