A lie, a story, an untruth, a fib, prevarication; to lie, tell stories or untruths, prevaricate. Ginbákak lang níya inâ. That was a story invented by him. Dî mo siá pagbakákan. Don't tell him lies. Indì mo pag-ibákak inâ sa ibán. Don't tell those lies to others. (see butíg; N.B. bákak and bakákon seem to have been taken over from the Cebuano dialect).
Being much in demand, selling well; to be much resorted to or much in demand, to sell well. (see áka).
Sap-wood, alburnum, the outer and softer layer of wood in timber, easily recognized by its lighter colour. (N.B. Heart-wood, the inner and harder part is called "tugás". "Bákal" and "tugás" together, without the bark, are called "súpat".
To buy, purchase. Báklon ko iní. I am going to buy this. Bákli siá sing isá ka kasíng. Buy him a top. Batóna iníng kwárta nga ibakál mo sing kálò. Take this money to buy a hat with. Nakabakál akó sing duhá ka báka nga tagkapitoán ka písos. I bought two cows for seventy pesos each. Ibakál mo akó sing diótay nga bugás. Kindly buy me some rice.
A door-post, an upright post, especially one in a partition wall; studding. Also used as a verb. Bakalaní ang díngding sing limá ka bakalán. Put five uprights into the partition. (see pagtúod).
(Sp. bacalao, bacallao) Codfish.
To straddle a little, to walk with steps or legs rather far apart, but not so much as bákà.
A game of cards, baccarat.
To join or associate with in trade, be a partner in business,-in games, etc. Nagabákas siá sa kay Fuláno sa sugál, sa komérsyo, etc. He is N. N.'s partner in gambling, in commerce, etc. Bakásan ko ikáw sa ímo palangitán-an. I'll join you in your business. Bakási akó. Associate with me. Join me.
A kind of rice.
A kind of mangrove, often seen in swamps along the beach.
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