A kind of large snake, living mostly in trees. It swoops down and hauls up its victim; hence the name. (bítin).
To draw-, pull-, lift-, haul-, up, hoist, to snatch with a swift motion. Bitína ang bátà. Lift up the child. Ang bátà nga putót ginabítin sa ság-ang. A stunted child is lifted by its chin. (A superstitious belief has it, that in this way the child is made to grow well). Bitíni akó sing isá ka bayóng. Draw up for me one bamboo container of water. Ibítin akó ánay siníng baúl. Kindly lift or haul up this box for me. Ginbítin níya ang sotána níya sang pagtabók níya sa subâ. When he crossed the river he raised his cassock. (see bátak, álsa, hákwat, baláking, N.B. "hákwat" is used more for lifting heavy loads, "bítin" for light articles).
Dim. and Freq. of bítin. To raise slightly, etc. Also: To tuck up-, raise-, clothes slightly in order to be able to walk fast. (see baláking).
A kind of ear-ring in the form of a number of small beads or balls fastened together.
See bilógbilóg-lumpy, etc.
Pertaining to, afflicted with, intestinal worms, one that has worms. (bítok).
(Sp. betun) Shoe-blacking, polish; to shine-, polish-, black-, a shoe, etc. Bitoná or bitoní ang ákon mga sapátos. Shine, polish, my shoes. Ibitón akó ánay sang ákon mga sapátos. Kindly polish my boots for me. Makahibaló ka balá magbitón? Do you know how to shine shoes? (see limpiabótas-a boot-black).
Star, orb, planet.
See bítok-an intestinal worm.
See bitókon. (bítos-bítok).
Small, round, crisp bread, a small roll of bread.
A sort of roll (of bread) of a roundish or oblong form.
That is given up, left off, abandoned, deserted, relinquished, got rid of; to leave, abandon, relinquish. Bíyà ko na inâ nga pagkáon. I have now given up eating such things. Bíyà ko na ang pagbáile. I have left off dancing, given up dancing. Indì mo pagbiyáan ang bátà sa baláy. Don't leave the baby at home. (see báyà id.).
Neglected, abandoned, left alone. Biyâbiyâ nga bátà. A neglected child, one not cared for or looked after. (see bíyà).
To carry-, bring-, to. Diín mo man inâ biyábiyáhon? Where are you taking that to? Indì mo pagbiyábiyáhon ang bátà sa malayô. Don't take the baby far. (see daládála).
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