The body or main part of a garment (not including collar, sleeves, fringes, etc.).
The body or main part of a garment (not including collar, sleeves, fringes, etc.).
As or like a mother, motherly. (see ináng, amángamáng-fatherly).
As or like a mother, motherly. (see ináng, amángamáng-fatherly).
Dim. of ináng. Also: to pretend to be wise or experienced, lay claim to great knowledge; a wiseacre, a would-be-wise person (said only of women). Daw si ináng-ínang siá. She is a wiseacre. Nagpakaináng-ínang siá. She pretends to be a wise (experienced) matron.
Dim. of ináng. Also: to pretend to be wise or experienced, lay claim to great knowledge; a wiseacre, a would-be-wise person (said only of women). Daw si ináng-ínang siá. She is a wiseacre. Nagpakaináng-ínang siá. She pretends to be a wise (experienced) matron.
Goal, end, bourne, destination, expected result; asylum, refuge. (see angán, aláypan, dalángpan, apútan, salampútan).
Goal, end, bourne, destination, expected result; asylum, refuge. (see angán, aláypan, dalángpan, apútan, salampútan).
(Sp. enano) Dwarf, pigmy, midget, runt; an idiot, simpleton, fool. (see putót, kímay, buangít, kulángkuláng).
(Sp. enano) Dwarf, pigmy, midget, runt; an idiot, simpleton, fool. (see putót, kímay, buangít, kulángkuláng).
To happen, chance or come to pass "whatever". Bisán magináno malakát gid akó sa buás. Whatever happens, I shall go to-morrow. (see iríwan).
To happen, chance or come to pass "whatever". Bisán magináno malakát gid akó sa buás. Whatever happens, I shall go to-morrow. (see iríwan).
Distance; difference. Malayô kaáyo ang inantarán sang íya nga hámbal kag sang íya nga búhat. There is a great difference between what he said (says) and what he did (does). (see ántad).
Distance; difference. Malayô kaáyo ang inantarán sang íya nga hámbal kag sang íya nga búhat. There is a great difference between what he said (says) and what he did (does). (see ántad).
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