(Sp. capitán) Captain; mayor, burgomaster, municipal president (in Spanish times).
Completeness, totality, extreme point, climax, height of, midst of (distress, darkness, etc.); utter, consummate, absolute, complete. (see pitípit).
See kapílya.
(B) Cold cooked rice. May kápog kamó sa baláy? Have you any cold rice in the house? (see báhaw).
Plaster; to plaster, cover with a plaster, mend, repair, seal or stop leakages or small holes with thick paint, mortar, cement, etc. Kapóli sing pínta ang mga úlo sang mga lánsang sa atóp nga sin. Cover the nail-heads on the zinc-roof with paint. Sín-o ang nagkápol sang tohók sang alhíbi? Who plastered up the hole in the water tank? Ipilák na lang iníng pínggan, kay índì na makapólan ang íya sirâ nga balanâ. Throw this plate away, for it is so cracked that it cannot be mended. (see pálhit, ápol).
Dim. and Freq. of kápol. Also: to patch, mend, repair, make things up, settle amicably or peacefully. (see kapánkápan, tapántápan).
To crumble, fall to pieces, said of clods of earth, or the like. Nagakapólpog ang pugá. The clod of earth is crumbling. (see pólpog).
(Sp. capón) Capon, gelding, any castrated animal, but particularly applied to cocks, pigs and dogs; to emasculate, castrate. Ginkapón níla ang mga báboy nga palatambókon kag ilihawón. They castrated the pigs that are to be fattened and slaughtered. Kaponá ang idô. Castrate the dog. Nakabakál akó sing tátlo ka manók nga kinapón. I succeeded in buying three capons.
The marriage ceremony; the bride and bridegroom giving their mutual consent and pledging conjugal fidelity and immediately after joining hands, before the priest who solemnizes their marriage. Bagtingán mo silá sa kápot. Ring the bells when they clasp hands. Nagpakápot lang silá, ápang walâ pagbilóhi. They went through the marriage ceremony, but did not receive the nuptial blessing during the Holy Mass.
Select tobacco leaves used as wrappers for cigars. Dálhi akó sing maáyo nga dáhon sang tabákò, kay ikapóte ko sa ákon piokós. Bring me a choice tobacco leaf, for I am going to use it as a wrapper for my home-made cigar.
(Sp. cafre) A ghost or monstrous being alleged by the superstitious to take the form of a horrible giant.
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