(Sp. muchacha) Maid-servant, maid, girl, girl-help, female domestic, drudge, slavey. (see sologoón).
Pearl. See mútià.
Mother of pearl; full of pearls, having pearls; wizard, sorcerer, one supposed to practise the black art and to be in league with the devil.
See múà-A ghost or spirit. Daw múwà siá kadakû. She is as tall or as big as a múwà (said of tall and stout women, the múwà being supposed to be of very big proportions).
(B) To perish, expire, die, depart this life, meet one's death or end, pass away, succumb. Nagkáon siá sing lakás kag namúy-od. He ate too much and met his death. Mamúy-od ka kon padayónon mo ang ímo pagpagútum. You will die, if you continue going hungry (said of one who pays no attention to meal-time, but works on till exhausted with hunger and fatigue). (see húy-od, patáy).
To treat well, lavish upon, bestow great care upon, tend, look well after. Ginamuymuyán níya ang íya kabáyo sang labíng maáyo nga pagsagúd. He takes very good care of his horse. Namúymuyán iníng báka sing pílì nga hilamón. This cow was treated to choice grass, was fed very well.
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