(B) To see, know of, understand, perceive. Indì akó makamurót sang sulát, sang sermón, etc. I cannot read the letter. I know nothing of the sermon, etc. Dílì mamurotán ang íla mga halambalánon. Their conversation cannot be understood (overheard). (see hibaló, sáyod, hántup, hangúp, áto, balintúnod).
(B) Bat. (see koláknit, kolápnit, kololáknit).
(Sp. muerto) The soul or ghost of a dead person haunting a house, spectre, wraith, spirit. See amamánhig, malánhig, maránhig id.
See mulúd-an-Sunrise, East.
A bird of prey. See amolúgmon.
Blood-stained, bloody, ensanguined, sanguinary, gory; dirty, soiled, defiled, stained; to be or become blood-stained, etc. Nagamusagáng sing dugô ang kamót sang manugíhaw. The hands of the butcher are red with blood. (see maragáng).
See the following músing.
Soil, stain, muck, mire, dirt, filth, grime; to soil, stain, begrime, befoul, bemire, dirty. Namúsing (namusíngan) siá sang lúnang. He got muddy or mud-stained. Andam ka nga índì mo masalapáy ang kólon, kay mamúsing (magakamúsing) ang ímo mga panápton. Be careful not to come in contact with the kettle or your clothes will get dirty. (see bulíng, búlit, hígkò, dágtà, musíngal).
To soil, stain, etc. See músing. Nagamulusíngal gid lang ang íya mga bibíg sang tilád. Her lips are stained with betelnut juice.
Ruin, bankruptcy, impoverishment; to ruin, impoverish, bankrupt, beggar; to be impoverished, ruined, bankrupt, beggared, reduced to indigence or misery, to become poor or miserable. Namúsmus (nagkamúsmus) siá. He was ruined. He became poor (miserable). Ginmúsmus siá sang Mahál nga Diós. God made him poor. God sent him poverty (as a trial or punishment). Kon índì mo pagduláon ang ímo mga batásan nga buhahâ mamúsmus ka gid sa olíhi. Unless you give up your extravagant habits you will finally-be reduced to indigence,-be brought low,-be ruined or bankrupt. (see ímol, púto, dungúl, lisúd).
Rheum (from the eyes). See múrì, mirâ-mirâ.
To look at intently, look well at, have a good look at, observe, scan, make out, notice, distinguish, mark, note, fix-, rivet-,-one's eyes-,-one's gaze-, upon. Walâ akó makamútad sang duág sang íya báyò. I could not make out the colour of her dress. I had no time or occasion to observe (examine) the colour of her dress. Ginmutáran ko sing maáyo ang íya nga nawóng. I narrowly scanned his features. (see mulálong, himútad which is more commonly used).
Pearl; something precious, valuable, excellent, a gem, a jewel, or the like. Ang mútià nga malahálon. The precious pearl. Ang Mútià sang Sidlangán. The Pearl of the Orient or East (The Philippines). Mútià siá sang mga babáe. She is a jewel (pearl) among women. Mga mútià sang binaláybay. Gems of poetry. (mútyà id.).
To hear, get to know, receive information. Walâ mamutikí túbtub karón kon sín-o ang nagbúhat sinâ. Up till now it is not known who did it. Kon mamutikán níya iní--. If he hears of it--. In case he should receive news of it--. Suppose he should get to know of it (this)--. (see matík).
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