An open field, free space. Ang patág sang pagawáyan. The (open) field of battle.
To be or become level. Nagpátag na iníng lugár, kay ginpapátag níla. This space has become smooth (level) now, for they have had it levelled.
To shed (tears). (pa, tágnak).
Caus. of tágò. To let, etc. hide, preserve. Patagóa siá sang ímo kwárta. Let him guard your money. Let him put your money in a safe place. Ipatágò sa íya ang ímo aláhas. Entrust your jewelry to him for safe keeping. Patagói siá sang ímo kwárta. Let him be the guardian of your money. Ginpatágò níla ang mga síngsing nga buláwan. They had their golden rings-hidden (hid),-put in hiding.
Distributed singly rather far from each other, scattered sparsely or thinly, applied to houses, etc. See atákaták id.
Aversion, repugnance; tiresome, unpleasant, disgusting, nauseous, repugnant. Patáka nga trabáho. A tedious or unpleasant kind of work. (see pasúng-ol, makataláka).
To cause disgust, make tired of, etc. (pa, taká).
To match, compete, vie with. See súkat, pasíyaw.
To let-, order to-, go on land, to land, disembark, cause to leave the water. Ginpatákas níla ang mga sumalákay sa Manílà. They landed the passengers at Manila. Patakása ang karabáw sa tulúgban, sa sapâ, etc. Get the buffalo out of the bathing hole, the brook, etc.
Caus. of tákay-to spend for, contribute towards, lavish upon.
To cause to run away or flow off; to disperse, drive away, put to flight; to disappear, vanish. (see tál-as).
Caus. of tálang. To let, or cause to, err, to lead astray, misdirect, mislead.
To make smooth or slippery, to oil or grease (a machine, cart, etc.). Ipatalás iníng síbo sa alíling sang kángga. Use this grease to make the cart-wheel turn with ease. Use this grease to lubricate the cart-wheel with. Patalasí ang tutúnlan (tubúg) mo sing tagábang. Ease your throat by eating tagábang. (see talás, patánlas).
Caus. of tálaw-to be a coward, etc. Also: to be cowed, permit oneself to be bluffed, imposed upon or intimidated, etc. Indì ka magpatálaw sa íya. Don't let him bluff (override) you. Don't allow him to intimidate you. Don't be afraid of him.
Caus. of tálbo-to rise, etc. Patalbohá ang yáb-ok. Let (make) the dust rise.
To sharpen, hone, etc. Caus. of talúm-to be sharp, cutting well, etc.
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