To make enter, allow to enter, let come in, fill or put-in,-into,-inside. Pasúdla ang mga bátà sa simbáhan. Make the children enter the church. Order the children to come into the church. Ipasulúd mo iníng láta sa aparadór. Put this tin in the cupboard. Pasúdli ang sugâ sing agás. Fill the lamp with kerosene. Madámù nga mga bátà walâ na mapasulúd sa buluthóan, kay kúlang ang mga hulút kag kúlang man ang mga manunúdlò. Many children could not be admitted any more into the school, owing to lack of room and of teachers. (pa, sulúd). The phrase: "ímo lang dirâ ang pasúdla" means: "Mind your own business". "Look after your own affairs".
(B) To show, exhibit, let another have a look at, etc. Pasúlnga siá sinâ-or-ipasulúng sa íya inâ. Let him have a look at it. Ginpasulúng (ginpáslong) níya sa ákon ang mga galamitón nga bág-o lang níya nabakál. He showed me the furniture he had just bought. (pa, sulúng).
(H) To let shine through, make transparent, etc. Ang ínit nagpasulúng sang dugô sa íya nga písngi. The heat caused the blood to shine through his cheeks. The heat made his cheeks red. (pa, sulúng).
(H) To make or let challenge, etc. Ipasúlung mo sa íya si Fuláno. Let him challenge N.N. Get him to challenge N.N. (pa, súlung).
(H) To make pay taxes, etc.; to collect taxes, etc. Ginpasúlung níya akó sang buhís sang ákon umá. He made me pay my land-tax. (pa, súlung).
To let splice, etc. (pa, súmpak).
To cause to move up and down. To shake up and down, to toss, rock, etc. Ang mga balúd nagapasumpíya sang sakayán. The waves are rocking the boat. Pasumpiyáha ang kabáyo. Gallop the horse. (pa, sumpíya; see pahumbíya id).
To cause to make opposition, etc. Ipasúmpung sa íya si Fuláno. Put up N.N. in opposition to him. (pa, súmpung).
Consideration, thoughtful regard for, appreciation of conditions or circumstances; to be considerate, have proper regard or appreciation for. Talamáyon ang táo nga walâ sing pasunáid kag patugsíling sa íya isigkaparého. Contemptible is the man that has no consideration and regard for his neighbour. Pasunaíra ang makaloló-oy nga kahimtángan níya. Have some consideration for his wretched condition. Papasunaíron mo siá sang kaimolón sang sádto ánay ábyan níya. Let him consider the poverty of his former friend. (see patugsíling).
Aversion, dislike, repugnance, disinclination, opposition of mind; to have a-dislike for,-repugnance to, etc.
To let, make, or cause to, push with the horns. (pa, súngay).
Report, rumour, assertion, allegation, pretext, subterfuge; to allege, spread a false report, etc. Sa pasúni nga--. Under the pretext of--. (see súni).
To let, make, order or cause to follow. Pasúndi ang mga báka sang mga karabáw. Let the buffaloes follow the cows. Pasúnda siá sa ímo. Order him to follow you. Ipasunúd ko sa ímo iníng bátà. I will let this boy follow you-or-send this boy after you. Maáyo ang pagpasunúd sang bág-o nga mga punoán. The orders of the new authorities are good. (pa, sunúd).
To give way, give in, yield, throw up the sponge, give up opposition, withdraw from a controversy, etc. Indì ka magpasúpil. Don't give in. (see patubaríng, paubág, padaúg id.).
To arrange or adapt with care, examine, go over again. Ipasúri ang ímo sulát, kay básì may mga sayúp. Have your letter looked over (Have someone look over your writing); there may be mistakes. (see súri).
Caus. of súyon-to be easy, etc. Also: to take things easy, let things take their course without opposition, wink at, tolerate, allow to pass or go on. Indì mo pagpasuyónan inâ. Don't allow that to pass or go on (without notice or opposition). Ginapasuyónan gid lang sang ginikánan ang maláin nga batásan sang íla nga anák. The parents wink at (connive, do not interfere with) the bad habits of their son.
To please oneself, do what one likes, follow one's own inclination. Buút siá magpasúyut sang tanán níya nga luyáglúyag. She wants to have all her whims satisfied.
(Sp. pasear) See paseár-to take a stroll, etc.
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