A fence or partition made of split bamboo woven vertically; to make such a fence or partition. Siklatí ang idálum sang baláy mo. Put a siclat-wall round the underneath of your house. Indì nínyo pagisíklat iníng kawáyan sa kodál, kay iatóp ko sa saríri. Don't use this bamboo for making a siclat-fence, because I am going to roof the kitchen with it. (see dagándan-a fence or partition of split bamboo woven horizontally).
(H) To blow the nose with the aid of the finger and thumb or with a handkerchief. Isíkma ang síp-on mo. Blow your nose. (see sungá).
A stitch or pain in the back, rheumatism of the back; to cause pain in the back. Ginasíkmat akó karón. I have a pain in my back. Siníkmat siá kaína. A while ago he had a pain in his back.
To elbow, push with the elbow, jog with the elbow, nudge. Sikohá siá. Elbow him. (see sikól).
To elbow, etc. See sikól, síngkub, síkdol, sikó.
To carry on the back by means of a stick or pole brought over the shoulder. Sikolí ang bakág; pangítà ka sing isikól mo. Carry the basket on your back; look for a stick to carry it with.
To elbow, etc. See síkdol.
To arrange, regulate, distribute, divide, separate, share out. (see pasikótsíkot, báhin, binágbínag, pahítò)
To twist, contort, bend, curve in irregular form (limbs, etc); twisted, contorted. Sikrotót na ang láwas níya sa katigulangón. His body is twisted with age. Nagasikrotót ang íya láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. His body is contorted with the severe cold. (see sikrotóy, síktot, búktot, barikótot, sikóktot).
To contort the limbs, etc. See sikrotót.
To finger, handle, fumble, examine the hair (squeezing it from the root upwards through the fingers, as when looking for nits or lice). Indì ka magságad síksik (Indì ka maníksik) sang bohók mo, kay maláw-ay. Don't keep fingering your hair, for it is not nice. Siksikí ang íya bohók kon may lusâ. Examine her hair; there may be nits in it.
Bent down, curved downwards (of the brim of a hat, lamp-globe, umbrella, etc.). Sikú-ong gid ang paldíyas sang íya kálò. The brim of his hat is bent down low.
See sikóktot-to stoop, bend the back.
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