Shrill, loud, piercing, far-reaching, sonorous; to be or become shrill, etc. Sílik (masílik) gid ang íya tíngug. His voice is very shrill. Nasilíkan akó sang íya tíngug. His voice sounds shrill to me. (see sulánting).
A wizard, witch, sorcerer. (see babáylan).
Dim. and Freq. of sílik-to emit a shrill cry, etc.
What is to-, should-, can-, be collected or gathered; fish, etc. to be caught by hand. (see síkup, siligpúton).
(H) What is to be swept away; rubbish, dirt, waste matter, debris. (see sílhig).
(H) Place of punishment, prison, torture-chamber; one who deserves to be punished, punishable, criminal, culprit. (see sílot).
(H) Adorable, worshipful, to be worshipped, worthy of divine honour, worthy of the utmost love and respect. (see símba).
(Sp. cilindro) Cylinder, roller, press-roll (of a printing press, sugar-mill, etc.).
A mouth-organ, a toy musical instrument.
(B) To shine, be bright, have a shiny or polished surface, to glisten, glitter. Diá nga bitón kang sapátos nagasilíng gid. (Iníng bitón sang sapátos nagahíning gid). This shoe-polish is very bright. Nasilingán (Nahiníngan) gid akó kang (sang) sapátos mo. Your boots appear to me to be well polished. (see sídlak, sílak, bádlak, ídlak, sídlaw, sílaw, sílì, híning).
(H) According to, in accordance with, in conformity with. Silíng sang íla nga kinabatásan--. According to their custom--. "Matúman ang ímo buút dínhi sa dútà silíng sang sa lángit". "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Silíng sang amó nga hágnà nga pagbulút-an--. In conformity with that proposed law or bill--. (see sonô).
(H) Saying, speech, utterance; to say, speak, tell, give mouth or utterance to. Anó ang silíng níya? What does he say? What are-or-were his words? Nagsilíng siá sa ákon nga--. He told me that--. Singganón or singganán mo siá or isilíng mo sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. May masilíng áyhan nga--. Perhaps some may say that--. Amó iní ang ginsilíng níya sa ákon. This is what he said to me. Ginsilingán (ginsingganán) níya kamí sinâ. He has told us that. May nagsilíng sa ákon nga--. Somebody told me that--. Madámù ang nagasilíng "húo, húo", ápang tumalágsa ang nagatúman. Many say "yes, yes", but only a few actually live up to their word. Indì ka makasilíng sinâ. You must not (should not, cannot) say that. Indì ka magsilíng "ámay", kay dápat mo isilíng "amáy". Don't say "ámay", for you should say "amáy". (see hámbal, púlong, súgid, dágil, koón).
(mo, etc.) I (you, etc.) think (thought).
(mo, etc.) I (you, etc.) think (thought).
Dim. and Freq. of silíng-to shine, etc.
Playground. (see siripálan, halampángan).
Play, playthings, toys. (see sipál, siripálon, halampángon).
Edge, border, groove, moulding along the edge of boards, tables, etc.; to make a moulding, border, etc. Silógi ang tápì sang sapíyo (sepíyo), kon may sapíyo ikáw nga inogsílog. Make a moulding along the edge of the plank with your plane, if you have a grooved plane.
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