Beastly, brutal, brutalized, animal, brute. Kalakasán nga sinápat. Beastly excesses. Batásan nga sinápat. Beastly habits. (see sápat).
Meeting, session, conference, discussion; to hold a meeting, to discuss, etc. (see sápol).
(B) Social relations, etc. See sinalayó.
Trusted in, enjoying the confidence of, trustworthy, reliable, relied upon, faithful, confidential. Sinasalígan ko siá nga ábyan. He is my intimate (confidential) friend. (see sálig).
Blood-relation, related by blood or descent, relative or kinsman by birth; a pact or covenant signed in blood; a party to such a pact; to sign such a pact. Sindúgò silá. They are kinsmen. They have signed in their own blood a covenant of friendship. They are intimate friends. Nagsindugoáy silá. They have pledged their friendship one to the other in their blood. (see dugô, kadúgò, sandúgò).
(Sp. cinematógrafo) Motion pictures, moving pictures, film, reel; cinema theatre, (see sinehán).
Motion-picture show, moving-picture theatre, cinema, theatre, place where moving pictures are shown.
Shop where slippers are made or sold.
A conjunctive particle: Whilst, whereas, when. Walâ níla pagatumána inâ, sing amó kuntánì ang dápat níla pagtinguháon sing labí. They do not fulfil that obligation, whereas they should try to do so above anything else.
An adverbial particle. Bantayí siá sing maáyo. Watch him well. Nagapangabúdlay siá sing mapísan. He works diligently. Sing (sa) madalî. At once. Quickly. Without delay.
The indefinite article for the accusative and, very rarely, for the genitive. It corresponds to the English "some" and "a". Nakabakál akó sing ísdà. I bought (have bought) some fish. Ginbaligyaán níya akó sing mga páhò. He sold me some mangoes. Nagpatíndog siá sing baláy. He built a house. Walâ sing-nothing, no, none, nobody, no one. Walâ akó sing pílak. I have no money. Walâ sing anó man. It is nothing. Don't mention it. It is of no consequence. Walâ gid sing táo dirí. There is nobody here.
Harsh, rough (of speech); to speak in anger or fury, vociferate, shout, rail at, abuse in loud language, be wild or furious. Síng-al nga sabát (panabát). A rough or harsh answer. Indì kamó magkádto dídto kon índì kamó buút nga sing-alán. Don't go there, if you do not want to be loudly abused. Ginsing-alán akó níya. He shouted at me furiously. Indì mo siá pagsing-alán. Don't-rail at him,-speak harshly to him,-shout angrily at him. (see gásod, gasód, kusá, sínggit, singgítan, pamúyas, pamúlag).
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