One, etc. See isá id.
One, etc. See isá id.
A kind of plant.
A kind of plant.
To open and move the eyes, begin to see (of new-born babies, or the like).
To open and move the eyes, begin to see (of new-born babies, or the like).
Chewing; to chew, masticate. Usánga ang kárne sing maáyo. Chew the meat well. (see úsap).
Chewing; to chew, masticate. Usánga ang kárne sing maáyo. Chew the meat well. (see úsap).
(B) To go seawards, go down a valley or river, proceed down the river. Bág-o pa lang nagusáog (tána) sa bánwa. (Bág-o pa lang siá nagpabánwa (nagkádto, nagpakádto sa bánwa)). A very short while ago he went down to town. Kaína gid lang buút akó magusáog, pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Kaína gid lang buút akó magdúlhug, ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). This very morning I wanted to go down (the hill, valley, river), but did not go, because it began to rain. (see súbà-to go up river).
(B) To go seawards, go down a valley or river, proceed down the river. Bág-o pa lang nagusáog (tána) sa bánwa. (Bág-o pa lang siá nagpabánwa (nagkádto, nagpakádto sa bánwa)). A very short while ago he went down to town. Kaína gid lang buút akó magusáog, pay warâ akó makatarús, hay nagurán. (Kaína gid lang buút akó magdúlhug, ápang walâ akó makadayón, kay nagulán). This very morning I wanted to go down (the hill, valley, river), but did not go, because it began to rain. (see súbà-to go up river).
To fall on one's back; to stamp the feet on the floor (ground). (see úgsang, úsgang, pusádpúsad, pundágpúndag).
To fall on one's back; to stamp the feet on the floor (ground). (see úgsang, úsgang, pusádpúsad, pundágpúndag).
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