To rub (one's eyes). Magúsug ka sang (Usúga ang) ímo matá túbtub nga maggwâ ang púling. Rub your eye till the mote comes out.
To rub (one's eyes). Magúsug ka sang (Usúga ang) ímo matá túbtub nga maggwâ ang púling. Rub your eye till the mote comes out.
Witchcraft, sorcery, spell, charm; to bewitch, cast a spell upon, cause stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Ginusúg siá, konó, ni Fuláno. His stomach-ache, they say, is due to the witchcraft of N.N. Indì ka magúyat sang íya inuyátan, kay básì kon may usúg siá magasakít ang ímo tián. Don't touch what he has touched, for, if he is a sorcerer, you may get stomach-ache. (see hiwít, bárang, híkaw).
Witchcraft, sorcery, spell, charm; to bewitch, cast a spell upon, cause stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Ginusúg siá, konó, ni Fuláno. His stomach-ache, they say, is due to the witchcraft of N.N. Indì ka magúyat sang íya inuyátan, kay básì kon may usúg siá magasakít ang ímo tián. Don't touch what he has touched, for, if he is a sorcerer, you may get stomach-ache. (see hiwít, bárang, híkaw).
(B) A boaster, braggart, liar; cheat, rogue, rascal; clown, buffoon. (From Usung, Osong-a famous and very popular character of folk-lore who played many a prank on high and low; (in (H) Púsong, Huán Púsong)). Pausúng-úsung-to lie, tell stories, cheat, pretend to be very ignorant, etc. in imitation of the exploits of Usung. (see púsong).
(B) A boaster, braggart, liar; cheat, rogue, rascal; clown, buffoon. (From Usung, Osong-a famous and very popular character of folk-lore who played many a prank on high and low; (in (H) Púsong, Huán Púsong)). Pausúng-úsung-to lie, tell stories, cheat, pretend to be very ignorant, etc. in imitation of the exploits of Usung. (see púsong).
To carry somebody in a half-lying, half-sitting position in one's arms, a method frequently used in carrying women and children across rivers, or the like. Usúnga siá. Carry her in your arms. Makaúsung ka balá sa íya sa tabók sang subâ? Do you think you can carry her in your arms across the river? Iúsung lang ang bátà. Carry the child in your arms. Iúsung akó sang ákon íloy sa pagtabók sa subâ. Please carry my mother across the river in your arms. Sang paglúsad níya sa sakayán dáyon siá níla ginúsung nga walâ gid makatúmban sa salúg ang íya mga tiíl. When he left the boat they at once took him and carried him in their arms so that his feet never touched the ground. (see kúgus, kólkol, abá, tíbong).
To carry somebody in a half-lying, half-sitting position in one's arms, a method frequently used in carrying women and children across rivers, or the like. Usúnga siá. Carry her in your arms. Makaúsung ka balá sa íya sa tabók sang subâ? Do you think you can carry her in your arms across the river? Iúsung lang ang bátà. Carry the child in your arms. Iúsung akó sang ákon íloy sa pagtabók sa subâ. Please carry my mother across the river in your arms. Sang paglúsad níya sa sakayán dáyon siá níla ginúsung nga walâ gid makatúmban sa salúg ang íya mga tiíl. When he left the boat they at once took him and carried him in their arms so that his feet never touched the ground. (see kúgus, kólkol, abá, tíbong).
(Sp. usurero) Usurer; money-lender (at excessive interest).
(Sp. usurero) Usurer; money-lender (at excessive interest).
See úswag.
See úswag.
To step back, make room, give (make) way; to postpone, procrastinate; to extend, prosper, go on well, succeed, advance, make progress. Uswag (Magúswag, umúswag) kamó dirâ. Step back there, make room. Kon amó inâ índì makaúswag ang áton bánwa. If things are so then our town cannot make any progress. Ginpaúswag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut. They postponed the day of their feast. Pauswagá ang ímo palatikángan. Extend your business. (see idóg, ísol, tín-ad, sányog, kaayohán, kauswágan).
To step back, make room, give (make) way; to postpone, procrastinate; to extend, prosper, go on well, succeed, advance, make progress. Uswag (Magúswag, umúswag) kamó dirâ. Step back there, make room. Kon amó inâ índì makaúswag ang áton bánwa. If things are so then our town cannot make any progress. Ginpaúswag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut. They postponed the day of their feast. Pauswagá ang ímo palatikángan. Extend your business. (see idóg, ísol, tín-ad, sányog, kaayohán, kauswágan).
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