To stop, keep, hinder from going home, detain, said of bad weather or the like. Naúyaw (inúyaw) siá dídto. He was detained there (by bad weather).
See uyáy id.
See uyáy id.
Agreeable, pleasing, to one's liking; to like, be pleased with, be fond of, to relish, be partial to. Indì akó makaúyon sang báboy. I don't like pork. I am not partial to (fond of) pork. Indì makaúyon sang báboy ang ákon solóksolók. Pork does not agree with my stomach. Pork is bad for my stomach. Ginauyónan níya gid inâ. He likes that very much. He is perfectly content with it. Maáyo ang ámon patubás, kon magúyon ang panahón. We shall have a good harvest, if the weather is favourable (nice, agreeable, propitious).
Agreeable, pleasing, to one's liking; to like, be pleased with, be fond of, to relish, be partial to. Indì akó makaúyon sang báboy. I don't like pork. I am not partial to (fond of) pork. Indì makaúyon sang báboy ang ákon solóksolók. Pork does not agree with my stomach. Pork is bad for my stomach. Ginauyónan níya gid inâ. He likes that very much. He is perfectly content with it. Maáyo ang ámon patubás, kon magúyon ang panahón. We shall have a good harvest, if the weather is favourable (nice, agreeable, propitious).
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